Thy Kingdom Come: Why it's important to say sorry
Thy Kingdom Come: Why it's important to say sorry

The Archdeacon of Hackney has spoken of the need for repentance and forgiveness in the midst of the 'busyness' of life.

Tory landslide win in doubt as five polls show Labour closing

Four opinion polls published on Saturday showed that May's lead had contracted by a range of two to six percentage points.

Bodies of civilians found dumped near Philippines city besieged by Islamists
Bodies of civilians found dumped near Philippines city besieged by Islamists

Bodies of what appeared to be executed civilians were found in a ravine outside a besieged Philippine city on Sunday as a six-day occupation by Islamist rebels resisting a military onslaught took a more sinister turn.

Trump ends first foreign tour with a flourish, but trouble awaits him at home
Trump ends first foreign tour with a flourish, but trouble awaits him at home

Trump flipped traditional US foreign policy upside down on his tour through the Middle East and Europe, coddling Middle Eastern leaders with questionable human rights records while demanding traditional European allies pay more for their defence.

The two Bible verses North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is terrified of, according to one US senator

The Kim regime in North Korea, which has imprisoned, tortured and even killed thousands of Christians, is terrified of the Gospel, according to one US senator.

Grief and rage in Egyptian church after the massacre of Christian pilgrims

Grief quickly turned to anger as funeral prayers at the Church of the Sacred Family in the village of Dayr Jarnous became a protest march with young men chanting as they carried a large wooden cross.

US Secretary of State Tillerson won\'t hold a Ramadan event
US Secretary of State Tillerson won't hold a Ramadan event

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has declined a request to host an event to mark Islam's holy month of Ramadan, two US officials said.

More arrests after Manchester bombing, police claim \'immense\' progress
More arrests after Manchester bombing, police claim 'immense' progress

British police said they had arrested two men on Saturday as they stepped up their efforts to capture a suspected network behind the suicide bomber who killed 22 people in Manchester earlier this week.

Iraqi forces begin last battle for Mosul as population starves
Iraqi forces begin last battle for Mosul as population starves

Iraqi armed forces launched an operation on Saturday to capture the last Islamic State-held enclave in Mosul, according to a military statement.

Trump\'s son-in-law had secret contacts with Russians, say US sources
Trump's son-in-law had secret contacts with Russians, say US sources

US President Donald Trump's son-in-law and close adviser, Jared Kushner, is said to have had at least three previously undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador to the US during and after the 2016 presidential campaign.

8 signs your church is in very real danger of closing its doors soon
8 signs your church is in very real danger of closing its doors soon

By the time I am contacted about a serious problem in a church, it is often too late.

Two men accuse former Willow Creek youth minister of sexually abusing them over 300 times
Two men accuse former Willow Creek youth minister of sexually abusing them over 300 times

Two men who say they were sexually abused as teenagers more than 300 times over several years by a former youth minister at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois.

Pro-lifers cry censorship as YouTube removes horrific video footage of abortion providers laughing about dismembering babies
Pro-lifers cry censorship as YouTube removes horrific video footage of abortion providers laughing about dismembering babies

In the footage, filmed about how hard it is to rip apart with forceps the "tough little object" known as the fetus

Conflict continues in CAR: Church pastor killed and religious leaders targeted
Conflict continues in CAR: Church pastor killed and religious leaders targeted

Intense violence in the Central African Republic has claimed several victims including a church pastor allegedly killed for building a church.

Maddi Runkles, sexual shame and purity parades: The challenge of grace in a fallen world
Maddi Runkles, sexual shame and purity parades: The challenge of grace in a fallen world

Christian student Maddi Runkles has been banned from attending her Christian college's graduation ceremony because of her 'sexual immorality'. Whatever happened to grace?

Archbishop of Canterbury: \'We mourn, we lament, we cry out for the injured and bereaved in Manchester\'
Archbishop of Canterbury: 'We mourn, we lament, we cry out for the injured and bereaved in Manchester'

In the week of the terrible attack in Manchester, Justin Welby reflects on the importance of coming together in prayer for people to know God's love.