Pregnant teen Maddi Runkles celebrates private graduation after school upholds ban for \'immorality\'
Pregnant teen Maddi Runkles celebrates private graduation after school upholds ban for 'immorality'

Maddi Runkles, the pregnant student who was banned from her Christian private school's graduation for her sexual 'immorality', instead celebrated her own private graduation ceremony on Saturday.

Judge dismisses lawsuit against anti-gay pastor Scott Lively despite his \'crackpot bigotry\'
Judge dismisses lawsuit against anti-gay pastor Scott Lively despite his 'crackpot bigotry'

A federal lawsuit against the anti-gay pastor Scott Lively, charging him with 'crimes against humanity' for his actions in Uganda in support of a controversial law criminalising homosexuality there, has been dismissed despite heavy criticism of Lively from the judge.

Gunmen attack Iran\'s parliament and Khomeini mausoleum
Gunmen attack Iran's parliament and Khomeini mausoleum

Armed men launched two attacks in Iran's capital on Wednesday morning, killing a guard at the parliament and wounding several people in the Mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini in southern Tehran, state media reported.

Police in riot gear, aid being blocked: The plight of Calais\'s refugees may be worse than ever
Police in riot gear, aid being blocked: The plight of Calais's refugees may be worse than ever

The refugee 'jungle' of Calais in France is no more, but reports suggest the migration crisis is – under the militant pressure of security forces – only worsening by the day.

French police shoot man who attacked officer outside Notre Dame Cathedral
French police shoot man who attacked officer outside Notre Dame Cathedral

Police in Paris are responding to an alert at the Notre Dame Cathedral amid reports of gunshots and panic.

\'Chelsea, by the Grace of God, came first!\' Church celebrates Chelsea Premiership win
'Chelsea, by the Grace of God, came first!' Church celebrates Chelsea Premiership win

A church in Ghana's has held a thanks-giving service for Chelsea football club following the recent Premiership success of the side, which is hugely popular in the country.

How the Parable of the Great Banquet speaks to Christians in an age of terror
How the Parable of the Great Banquet speaks to Christians in an age of terror

The public shaming of the rich man was deliberately designed to humiliate him and break off relations between them forever.

What was the main driver of the thousands of Ebola deaths in West Africa?
What was the main driver of the thousands of Ebola deaths in West Africa?

Three years on from the deadly Ebola outbreak, Sierra Leone gives the world lessons on how cultural considerations can stem epidemics

Should I feel guilty about not going to church?
Should I feel guilty about not going to church?

Let's face it – we don't always feel like going to church, and there even times when, for good reasons, we just can't face it.

Cancel Trump\'s proposed state visit to UK, says London Mayor Sadiq Khan
Cancel Trump's proposed state visit to UK, says London Mayor Sadiq Khan

The London Mayor, Sadiq Khan has called on the British government to cancel a planned state visit by Donald Trump after being attacked by the US president in several widely condemned tweets.

Christ the Captain: The final address of Charles Spurgeon, \'Prince of Preachers\'
Christ the Captain: The final address of Charles Spurgeon, 'Prince of Preachers'

On this day in in 1891, the famed Baptist preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon gave his final sermon at London's Metropolitan Tabernacle. Known as the 'Prince of Preachers', Spurgeon's words have lived on to inspire countless lives.

New Bible video project \'revolutionises\' the Gospel stories of Jesus
New Bible video project 'revolutionises' the Gospel stories of Jesus

A creative new Bible project has brought the Gospel of Matthew to cinematic realisation – now bringing Jesus' life from all four Gospels into a vivid new form.

Going to Church helps you to live longer, says study
Going to Church helps you to live longer, says study

Many people attend churches because it helps them to stay grounded in their faith and offers spiritual guidance for their situations. However, a new study has found that attending church may help you live longer.

Bishop of Liverpool attacks Theresa May over failing to rebuke Donald Trump
Bishop of Liverpool attacks Theresa May over failing to rebuke Donald Trump

The Bishop of Liverpool has attacked the Prime Minister for failing to rebuke US President Donald Trump's attack on the Mayor of London.

Christian leaders in the US denounce Congressman who called on people to \'hunt\' and \'kill\' suspected radical Muslims
Christian leaders in the US denounce Congressman who called on people to 'hunt' and 'kill' suspected radical Muslims

Christian leaders in America have denounced a Republican congressman's suggestion that people 'hunt' and 'kill' anyone they suspect of being a radicalised Muslim.

Supreme Court refuses to review case of Christian Marine who claims she was discharged over Bible verse
Supreme Court refuses to review case of Christian Marine who claims she was discharged over Bible verse

Former Lance Cpl. Monifa Sterling claims she was unfairly discharged from the Marines after refusing to remove a Bible verse from her work station.