White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders prays to God for help before every briefing
It's not an easy task to go out and take questions from a hostile media on behalf of the U.S. President's administration and that's why Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks to above for a helping hand.

Day one, year zero: October 23, 4004 BC
How old is the universe? Scientists say it's around 14 billion years; young-earth creationists, perhaps around 10,000 years.

Scientology is back in the news. Here are 6 things Christians should know about this dubious 'Church'
Scientologists, never far from the headlines, are once again in the news this week. Here are 6 things Christians should know about them.

How can the UK Church retain its children and young people?
In the late 1800's more than 2 million children in the UK attended Sunday schools. As Thompson's research indicates, this had dropped to just over 500,000 by the mid 1950s and 60s.

Pope Francis slaps down cardinal: You cannot 'impose' your interpretations of liturgy
Pope Francis has rebuked one of his cardinals in a row over whether Rome can 'impose' its interpretation on different bishops' conferences around the world.

Government anti-terror laws mean I have to vet clergy sermons says top head
Even Church of England bishops have to be vetted for potentially extremist views, according to a top headmaster frustrated by 'stifling' health and safety rules.

Egypt's Churches condemn terrorist murders that killed 16 police officers
Egypt's security forces suffered one of their heaviest attacks after militants firing rockets and detonating explosives hit a police operation.

Christian magistrate sacked for views on gay parenting loses appeal against dismissal by NHS
The Christian magistrate sacked for his views on same-sex parenting has now lost an appeal against his dismissal from his job with the NHS.

Archbishop of York wades in to Universal Credit row
The Archbishop of York has made an impassioned attack on the government's plans to roll out its flagship welfare reform nationally.
Tory rebellion on welfare reform could see Prime Minister make concessions
The government has signalled that it is looking at ways to reduce the waiting time for payments from its new Universal Credit benefits system.

Jimmy Carter: I'll travel to North Korea if I'm asked
Former US President Jimmy Carter said he would be willing to travel to North Korea on behalf of the Trump administration to help ease rising tensions.

Church Urban Fund calls on churches to stand against homelessness
Groups across England are being encouraged to give up a night's comfort to raise money to fund work with people experiencing homelessness through Church Urban Fund's Together programme.

Port officials in Sudan detain Arabic Bible shipment
Sudanese authorities have detained a shipment of Bibles for more than two years without explanation.

In Kirkuk, Kurds' joy turns to fear after Iraqi army takeover
The army's recapture of oil-producing Kirkuk province and other territory across northern Iraq has dismayed the city's Kurds but brought comfort to residents from other ethnic groups.

Spain plans new elections in Catalonia to end independence bid
The Spanish government has secured opposition support for dissolving Catalonia's parliament and holding new elections there in January in its bid to check the regional government's push for independence.