Kylie Jenner covers up 'bump,' still refuses to address pregnancy reports

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott still quiet about pregnancy rumors, dad Caitlyn Jenner confirms, Tyga wwants paternity test once baby is out

Gay Catholics could be denied proper funerals, leaked email suggests

A leaked set of directives attributed to a Catholic diocese in Madison, Wisconsin urges priests to minimise 'the risk of scandal and confusion' when asked to conduct the funeral service of a person in a 'notorious homosexual relationship'.

When atheists demand high school removes Christian flag, students get out their own flags to defend their school

Students responded in the most amazing way when atheists told LaPoyner High School, Texas, to stop flying a flag with the Christian cross in the school grounds.

Churches experiencing decline have 5 options and none of them are easy

In theory, the choices are simple. But putting them to practice is not so easy.

The Bible origins of the $1.7 million note by Albert Einstein

It's the stuff of urban legend – the scribbled sketch on a restaurant napkin by an artist who can't pay for his meal sells for millions after he's become famous.

How this stylish film shot around the world will show the living impact of Paul's letter to the Philippians

Christianity Explored Ministries has unveiled the classy trailer for Discipleship Explored (DE), a film series based on Paul's letter to the Philippians and its impact on people's lives around the world.

Christianity is banned in Saudi Arabia. Will promised reforms make a difference?

The crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, has declared his intention of returning the country to a 'moderate Islam'.

Operation Christmas Child rubbishes Humanists UK's claim they are using shoebox appeal to evangelise secretly

A Christian charity has hit back at claims from British Humanists they are using a Christmas appeal to 'manipulate' and secretly evangelise vulnerable children.

Attack on Egyptian church foiled, guards blow up terrorists' car

An attack on an Egyptian Coptic church has been foiled by security services outside the building.

The parable of the workers in the vineyard: God gives us what we need, not what we deserve

The parable usually known as 'The workers in the vineyard' in Matthew 20: 1-16 is a strange tale.

Sing! Master songwriters Keith and Kristyn Getty share their tips for churches

Keith and Kristyn Getty are significant songwriters and worship leaders, and now they've written a book encouraging churches to share the gift of music with all their members.

India's Believers Church: We feel forced to bring legal case against Church of South India

The Believers Church in India feels forced to bring legal action against another church in India after allegations were made against their controversial leader, KP Yohannan, a spokesman has told Christian Today.

Reformation 500: Archbishop of Canterbury to mark Protestant and Catholic unity on justification

A service at Westminster Abbey for the 500th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation will see the Archbishop of Canterbury marking a key point of agreement between the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation.

On this day: The Treaty of Westphalia ended a religious war in which 8 million died

The Treaty of Westphalia was signed October 24, 1648, and ended the Thirty Years War.

Retailers to provide better shopping opportunities for Black Friday and Cyber Monday this year

The official date of Black Friday 2017 is on Nov. 24. People are excited with various promotional sales offered by major retailers.