The dark side of the Reformation: John Calvin and the burning of heretics

On this day in 1553, the condemned heretic Michael Servetus was burned at the stake in Geneva, largely thanks to the efforts of theologian and Protestant reformer John Calvin. His involvement in this execution remains an unforgettable reminder of how theology can turn sinister.

We used to be poor. Now we have raspberries

'We are a very happy community. We are actually earning more than a government doctor – we can now easily send our children to school.'

The Archbishop of Canterbury 'does God' with Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's former spin doctor, famously 'doesn't do God', as he reminds the Archbishop of Canterbury at the beginning of a revelatory interview for GQ magazine.

Freedom of Belief Day: 4 reasons religious liberty still matters

Today, October 27, is International Freedom of Religion or Belief Day, an occasion to celebrate freedom where it exists and raise awareness of where it's sorely lacking. Here are four reasons freedom of belief matters for all across the world, religious or otherwise.

Unintended pregnancy: Finding real choice after 50 years of a broken Abortion Law

'I was raped. I'm 12 weeks pregnant.' I sat speechless in my clinic while waves of shame ran over me for being a male of our species.

Donald Trump's approval ratings take a battering – and even evangelicals are wobbling

Donald Trump's approval ratings took another battering this week as a Fox News poll showed the president's numbers are continuing to slide in the wake of inter-Republican warring and his handling of several natural disasters, in particular in Puerto Rico.

Christian pastor and her family arrested in China for preaching in public park

A female church pastor, her daughter and her three year old grandson have reportedly been arrested In south-east China for public preaching, charged with violating the country's restrictions on religion.

Benny Hinn's nephew rejects his famous preacher uncle's theology, says prosperity teaching is 'taking advantage' of people

'We were teaching things that were wrong. We were taking advantage of [people], exploiting the poor, using our greed, squeezing every last dollar out of people so we could live the way they could never,' he said.

'Exodus in the Middle East unrivalled since the days of Moses': Vice President Mike Pence blasts Christian persecution in 8 quotes

Vice President Mike Pence used his speech at the In Defense of Christians solidarity dinner to announce the US would bypass the United Nations in aid to the Middle East, giving directly to faith-based groups on the ground.

The biblical command most British Christians don't care for – and why they're dangerously wrong

The Old Testament's famous command against idolatry is seen as irrelevant to most Brits, including Christians. It might sound like just another 'rule' but it points to the longing of the human heart - and the Church ignores it at its peril.

North Korea Day of Prayer offers message of hope for Christians in pariah state

North Korea continues to imprison, execute and torture Christians but opportunities are opening to weaken the totalitarian regime's grip, politicians, religious leaders and religious freedom charities heard on Wednesday.

VP Mike Pence says US will bypass UN and give US aid directly to Christians in Iraq

Mike Pence is promising to bypass the United Nations and give aid directly to beleaguered Christian communities in Iraq, vowing the days of minimal support filtering down to persecuted believers 'are over'.

The 6 Commandments? For most Brits – including Christians – 10 is too many

Most Britons – and British Christians – only see six of the Bible's Ten Commandments as important principles to live by, according to a recent survey.

Jerry Falwell Jr calls on evangelicals to rise up against 'fake Republicans'

Jerry Falwell Jr, the influential evangelical president of Liberty University in Virginia, has passionately backed Steve Bannon's declaration of 'war' against what Falwell calls 'fake Republicans'.

Is God OK with gay marriage? Two pastors share their view

One pastor saying that embracing it is listening to the Holy Spirit while another maintains God's standards have never changed and the Bible forbids it.