Why be offended by something you don't believe?
If I had a penny for every time someone posted or shared something offensive to Christians on social media, I'd have a lot of pennies.
Vos estis lux mundi: Shining a light or designing a lottery around clerical sexual abuse?
Nothing yet has seemed to illicit a response from the Vatican on abuse and violence within the Catholic Church. However, this week, the period of radio-silence ended with the publication of Vos estis lux mundi.
The end is nigh: what extinction has to do with our evangelism
We must not allow our eschatology (theology of the end) to prevent us from fulfilling the creation mandate to be good stewards of the good earth in the present.
How much evidence is there for King David?
Did the biblical King David really exist? Some people doubt this, and their doubt was fed this month.
Have we lost the true meaning of discipleship?
I can't help thinking that what we call discipleship isn't quite what Jesus had in mind.
Healing and the theology of Heaven: where do Christians stand?
People with disabilities need to be in the debate rather than having two separate circles that never meet.
Why Christians were right to challenge a nuclear deterrent service at Westminster Abbey
Our deterrent is our advertisement that we would be prepared under some circumstances to perpetuate mass murder on a scale impossible to contemplate.
A march for life on the streets of London
On May 11, people from across the UK will gather in London to make a stand for the unborn as part of the annual March for Life UK. Christian Today speaks to co-director Isabel Vaughan-Spruce about what she wants the march to achieve
Jesus the Palestinian or Jesus the Galilean Jew?
It is not only anachronistic to label Jesus a Palestinian. It is also misleading.
Have we failed the generation who are now parents?
I wonder how many of the people receiving a food bank parcel know what to do with what it contains?
Is Britain breaking up?
Should we care? And is there a particular Christian perspective on this? I think so.
Churches need to include children with disabilities in their summer events planning
The reasons given for not wanting to have children or young people with additional needs or disabilities on summer activities vary greatly, but usually have a standard theme to them: safety risks, unable to accommodate, they'll spoil it for others, they won't keep up, not enough space or leaders.