Sex-selective abortions fuel violence against women
Decriminalisation would create a society where sex-selective abortion would become more, not less, common.
Dear UK: I would be sorry to see you leave the EU
The voice of fear says "put bigger locks on your house, build bigger walls, close your borders." The voice of love on the other hand says, "open your doors, tear down walls and build bridges, and let's do this together!"
The Church of England's transgender guidance should be withdrawn
We remain concerned about what seems to us to be ill-considered use of the Bible in the guidance, as well as the apparent influence upon it of highly contested gender ideology.
Is it worth crying over thrown milkshakes?
There are some people I'd never vote for and I'd actively campaign against their ideology, but I wouldn't throw a milkshake
Dear Sadiq Khan, buffer zones only deny women a real choice on abortion
The Mayor of London recently endorsed the pro-choice movement in holding a counterprotest against the March for Life UK when it took place in London earlier this month and, at the time, gave assurances of his support for buffer zones around abortion clinics to stop the "harassment" of women using these facilities.
What the Jeremy Kyle controversy can teach us
Beyond the inevitable bust up, the deeper attraction of it all was the fuel it provided to mock others, to enjoy a sense of superiority over them and ultimately to issue judgement over the type of people they were. It took a death to stop all of this.
Sports players should be able to disagree with each other without being shown the red card
The Israel Folau case has shown that everyone is welcome in rugby as long as they "toe" rather than "cross" the line.
Fear and free speech: why defining Islamophobia could do more harm than good
Fear of offending Muslims has reached such heights in this country that self-censorship is becoming the norm but we must be free to question and to voice our concerns, whether it is about Islam or any other religion.
What's to hate about hate speech?
Christians are the new revolutionaries in our post-truth 'hate-speech' society.
Mental Health Awareness Week: To offer advice, you first need to earn the right to give it
There are probably more people with mental heath illnesses in your church than you even realise.
Christians must make the first move to bridge the divide over Brexit
At this moment in the UK, there is a real danger of a cultural divide becoming a cultural chasm. So could you make the first move in reconciliation?
Relatable: Vicky Walker on where the church needs to change its approach to relationships
Despite society changing, the way Christians talk about men and women hasn't significantly moved on.