Our eyes have been shut to injustice for too long
How many of us have closed our eyes to ease our consciences, in order to have a certain measure of convenience and comfort?
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: why half in, half out just isn't an option for royals
The damage is more likely to be suffered by Harry and Meghan, who may have misjudged the extent to which their celebrity is independent of their royal status.
Let's rediscover pilgrimage
It is tempting to think that pilgrimage is a thing for the few. Perhaps it is just for those hardy souls who can get the time off to yomp the Camino. But are there other options closer to home? Could it become a bigger part of our daily life?
A New Year in honour of trees
So how new is climate change, and does it mean that things are getting worse, or has the weather always been changeable and unpredictable?
As Stormont springs back into life, pray for our politicians
There is no mention in the deal of abortion nor support services to help women and unborn babies in crisis. We will be seeking a meeting with the new Minster for Health to discuss this matter urgently.
The bishop braving the Brexit divide
It's a brave church leader that ventures into Brexit territory. The debate over the UK leaving the European Union has split political parties, local communities and families.
The roaring twenties â a decade when Christians can be a voice for change for the elderly
2020 â 2030 has been designated the decade of healthy ageing by the World Health Organisation.
As the bushfires continue to rage, what might God be saying?
The danger is, of course, that God ends up saying what we want Him to say.
Progressive politicians will not win the right to run the country again until they learn to stop hectoring the electorate
We on the progressive wing of politics â liberal, left and Remainers â are still feeling pretty battered and bruised by December's election result.
Netflix's Messiah: what's it all about and is it any good?
The show has prompted controversy - Netflix has been asked not to stream it in Jordan. But my sense is it brilliantly explores what might happen if a figure akin to the Jesus of the Bible appeared today.
The truth is being lost to a touchy feely 'Jesus loves everything' mantra
If ever there was a need for the Church to stand up and proclaim the truth, this is it.
One of the best movies from the last year
One day, about a decade ago, a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director saw something at her own clinicâand it made her instantly pro-life.