
Constantly Yawning? Find Out What Your Body Is Trying to Tell You
Ever wondered why you sometimes yawn even if you're not feeling sleepy? As far as science goes, people yawn because they have diminished oxygen in their body. However, certified personal trainer Sarah Klein said there's actually other reasons for yawning.

Facing A Decision Decision? 10 Bible Verses When You Don't Know Where To Turn
While we trust that God cares deeply about our choices, it's especially hard when He appears to be silent.

Why Speaking in Tongues Is Not a Dead Practice
The most compelling proof that the gift of tongues is a power people can tap into today is the function that it still serves.

5 Skills Christian Leaders Need to Develop to Become More Effective
There is also a need for us to grow in certain areas and build skills to take on the challenge that is Christian leadership. Here are five skills that Christian leaders need to grow in.

4 Ways Corporate Worship Energises Us
Here are four ways that corporate worship energises the individual believer.

3 Reasons Why Every Person Can Grow in God Today
Discipling people who don't seem to improve or grow can be tough, but God's word reminds us that growth is not up to us. Our only job is to plant the seed and water it.

Is the Kingdom of God Here or Is It Still Coming?
The Bible speaks so frequently about the kingdom of God but does not offer any clear definition of what it is and what it looks like.

Why Do the Holidays Always Put a Strain on the Wallet? Christian Financial Advisor Offers Tips on How to Reduce Expenses
A lot of people have forgotten that Christmas is celebrated because it marks the birth of Jesus Christ. Nowadays, people only care about extravagant parties and frenzied shopping that they've lost the true spirit of the holiday.

5 Reasons Your Child May Be Misbehaving
Children are bound to act out with bad behaviour from time to time, but when it gets more prevalent, parents should really try to get to the bottom of their misbehaviour.

10 Bible Verses About God Having Victory
The Bible tells us that through Jesus Christ, God proved victorious over death and offers us new life, and a way to be in full relationship with the Father.

When We Can't Go On: 10 Bible Verses About Weariness
We get tired of what we're doing, at home or at work or at church, and we wonder how we're going to go on.

2016 Has Been A Difficult Year â Here's How Advent Tells Us That All Will Be Well
Advent offers us the opportunity to look at the world afresh and gives us ultimate hope â not just the hope of turning over a new leaf, but the hope that in the midst of the suffering, despair and disaster, God is coming...

Is It Time To Let Jesus Surprise You?
The Jesus we read about in the Bible is a deeply unsettling figure â constantly upending expectations, disturbing the comfortable and comforting the disturbed.

3 People in the Bible Who Are Great Examples of Keeping an Attitude of Gratitude
Here are some people in the Bible who are great examples of keeping an attitude of gratitude.

3 Things You Need to Preach the Gospel Effectively
Are you one of those who've tried to share it but failed in your attempt? Or are you one of those who don't know how to share the gospel? Let me encourage you. If you rely on Christ's love and the Holy Spirit's power, you can do it.

3 Ways to Care for the Temple of The Holy Spirit, Your Body
Take care of your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. You use it to serve God.