
What Our Churches Probably Don\'t Teach Us: 10 Bible Verses About Work
What Our Churches Probably Don't Teach Us: 10 Bible Verses About Work

Most of us probably don't hear too many sermons about work, or get too much church teaching. But the Bible has more 550 references to work.

Hagar\'s Story: A Reminder Of How Well God Knows Us
Hagar's Story: A Reminder Of How Well God Knows Us

Have you ever felt surrounded by people, and yet no one has really noticed you?

How Not To Go Crackers At Christmas Part One: Gifts
How Not To Go Crackers At Christmas Part One: Gifts

In our busy modern lives, surrounded by consumerism and shallow sentiment, it's easy to forget what Christmas is really all about: eating, existential gift anxiety and arguing about Brexit

3 Lessons For Today From The Manna In The Wilderness
3 Lessons For Today From The Manna In The Wilderness

Manna was the gift of God to the people of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness before their entry into the Promised Land.

Staying Free From the Dangerous Trap Called \'Greed\'
Staying Free From the Dangerous Trap Called 'Greed'

Greed is a dangerous trap that destroys the lives of its victims. Some may think of it as an obvious, blatant trait that can easily be spotted, but in reality it is a vicious character flaw that also works in subtlety, working stealthily to rob a person of life and joy.

3 Things That Will Help You Grow Spiritually
3 Things That Will Help You Grow Spiritually

Just like how a newborn baby needs nourishment to grow healthy and strong—sustaining his growth into puberty, teenage years, and eventually into adulthood—our spirit needs to be nourished and given enough care to grow healthy and strong.

3 Character Traits You Need to Develop for Your Marriage to Bloom
3 Character Traits You Need to Develop for Your Marriage to Bloom

Marriages are like flowering plants. When placed in the right conditions, and given the right amount of care and nourishment, they naturally grow to produce beautiful and fragrant blooms.

5 Bad Financial Tips You Should Not Listen to
5 Bad Financial Tips You Should Not Listen to

Here are five bad finance tips you should not listen to.

5 Poor Excuses We Make for Not Helping the Poor
5 Poor Excuses We Make for Not Helping the Poor

Sometimes in our own broken nature, we can come up with various excuses to not give. Here are five poor excuses to not make the effort of helping the poor.

The Spiritual Practice of Singing and Why It Matters
The Spiritual Practice of Singing and Why It Matters

There's something spiritual about music. One can even go as far as to say that God made us to be creatures that sing — and more importantly to declare His praises.

4 Reasons Why Christians Should Not Skip the Sabbath
4 Reasons Why Christians Should Not Skip the Sabbath

Here are four of the many reasons why Christians should not skip the Sabbath no matter what the cost.

3 Things Your Profile Picture Probably Reveals About Your Heart
3 Things Your Profile Picture Probably Reveals About Your Heart

The profile picture was meant to be a summary of who we are and what we want people to know about us, but it can often also reflect the things that we don't really say but we still speak loudly to others.

What Are the 5 Toxic Thoughts Successful People Never Entertain?
What Are the 5 Toxic Thoughts Successful People Never Entertain?

What is the secret to success? A lot of people who want to reach their dreams and conquer their goals often ask this question. Dr. Travis Bradberry, author of "Emotional Intelligence 2.0" and president of TalentSmart, said the secret actually lies in one's self-talk.

3 Tips on How You Can Overcome Anxiety in the Workplace
3 Tips on How You Can Overcome Anxiety in the Workplace

A lot of Americans deal with anxiety disorders, but only one third of 40 million Americans who suffer from it receive much-needed treatment.

Top Tips for Getting Your Kids to Stop Sucking Their Thumb, Picking Their Nose and Being Picky Eaters
Top Tips for Getting Your Kids to Stop Sucking Their Thumb, Picking Their Nose and Being Picky Eaters

All parents wish that their children are perfect little angels who go to bed on time and listen to instructions without creating a fuss. But the reality is that some kids are naughtier than others and find it difficult to break free from bad habits.

5 Things That Are Sure to Throw Ministry Leaders Off Track
5 Things That Are Sure to Throw Ministry Leaders Off Track

Church leaders hold a great deal of responsibility, but sometimes, they struggle with misconceptions that are formed by training, culture, and personal beliefs and insecurities.