Struggle to spend time with God? Time to bring the Quiet Time into the New Year
When I became a Christian in the early 1990s, there was a non-negotiable bit of the religious life that got a mention in almost every talk and conversation with my youth worker.
Were poor people part of the early church?
The Bible has several teachings regarding treating the poor, including the poor people in the church. All of them point out one crucial truth: God loves the poor, and we should too. He has His eyes set on them, and we should set our eyes on blessing and loving them, too. He is close to them and stands in their defense, and we should be, too.
3 things to remember in sharing the Gospel
To help you get motivated to preach the Gospel, here are a few things to remember. These truths will excite you, release you from certain fears related to preaching the Gospel to others, and will hopefully motivate you to make it your life's goal.
3 things we can learn from a man named Eutychus
The Bible presents many figures to us, people from whom we can learn many lessons. One of them, a young man named Eutychus in Acts 20:9, teaches us many things even though he appeared in the Bible for only a short while.
3 things we can learn from the death of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5
The happenings in the early church teach very important lessons for us today. Whether these events are good and pleasing, or tragic and depressing, all of it brings to us insight and learning that will refine us and make us ready for the return of the Lord Jesus.
Who are the Berean Christians and what can we learn from them?
The Bible tells us of a remarkable group of people famously known today as the Berean Christians. These believers possessed a remarkable character that each and every Christian today must have.
'Blind but now I see': The Christian legacy of Louis Braille
Today is World Braille Day, the commemoration of the birth of Louis Braille, a prodigious blind boy who grew up to innovate a form of communication that transformed the world for those unable to see. Braille was also a committed Christian who knew on multiple levels the power of granting sight to the blind.
3 pieces of advice for Christians looking to invest their money in something profitable
When looking to invest money, we've got to be wise and invest in the right places, places where our money will surely grow. Who wants to invest only to lose hard-earned money anyway?
3 reasons why we must hope for the best always
Hope is a very important thing. To encourage you, dear reader, to hope for God's best always, here are a few reasons why we should do so.
The best way to deal with guilty feelings over your past sins
Guilt is a very heavy thing to bear, but the great truth about it is that we have an option not to bear it in Christ. The Bible tells us that when God forgives our sins, He takes away the guilt that naturally comes with it.
3 things every newlywed couple must keep in mind this year
To help you get on the right track as you start a new life with your spouse, here are a few things you need to keep in mind, especially during the first year of marriage.
New Year's resolution to pray more? Three questions to help you
The idea that the eternal God would intervene in the small doings of his creatures is too hard for us to grasp.
New Year promo sales for Sonos and other consumer electronics
The consumer electronics company Sonos welcomed 2018 with a markdown promo on some of its audio products. Other retailers are also going all-out to provide cheap deals for their customers.
Nokia 4, Nokia 7, and Nokia 1 speculated to be included in Nokia's 2018 product releases
Nokia 4, Nokia 7, and Nokia 1 are believed to make their debut in 2018. The reveal came after the unpacking of the Android Package kit of Nokia's camera application.
Tired and stressed from Christmas celebrations? Here are 3 Bible verses that will help you relax
Christmas season might be the cheeriest and jolliest of all seasons during the year, but we can't deny the fact that preparing for and going to Christmas celebrations is a tiring thing.