3 ways Christian couples can prepare for a better year ahead
The thought that 2018 is coming in just a few days' time should excite all married couples out there.
5 Bible verses if you're feeling alone during the New Year
New Year's Eve could be the most festive time of the year for many, but for some it could be the loneliest.
5 Bible verses to read when the clock strikes twelve on New Year's Eve
It's always a good thing to start all endeavors with the Lord. That said, wouldn't it be a great idea to let God sit at the helm once the New Year comes?
How you can be a new wineskin for God's new wine
If we want to be able to receive Jesus' teachings, we've got to become new wineskins. If we want to be able to receive and embrace new revelation from God's word, we've got to become new wineskins.
Here's one thing that will distinguish true followers of Christ
Sometimes we can carry the name of Christ but not follow Him.
3 fun ways Christian couples can develop teamwork
The Bible emphasizes the importance of teamwork among people, particularly married Christian couples.
No room at the inn? Why Jesus wasn't really born in a stable
Everyone knows Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger because there was no room at the inn.
What the Bible reveals about demon possession
While it's true that demons can influence and possess people, the greater truth is that in Christ we can all be free from the enemy's attempts to subdue us.
Why did Mary and Joseph have to go to Bethlehem?
Luke 2 records for us that the Lord Jesus was born in a city called Bethlehem, the City of David. Why did Mary and Joseph, Jesus' earthly parents, have to go there anyway?
How to find hope when you're deep in financial debt
Proverbs 6:5 likens debt to a hunter's hand when it catches game. If that sounds like you, read on, because there is hope.
A Merry Christmas and an offensive Gospel
Christmas has a serious message for all of us.
3 reasons why 'God loves you' is not the Gospel
Focusing on God's love alone makes for a man-centered Gospel.
3 wrong ways to deal with difficult situations
We Christians are supposed to be the boldest, most courageous people in the world.
Nokia 9 news: Nokia 9 specs include Android 8.0 and the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor
Nokia is yet to announce the official release date of its upcoming smartphone product, Nokia 9. Not much has been released about the smartphone's specs.
3 ways Christians support sin in the name of 'love'
So many Christians today, in their zeal to give love to others, give their support to sin and sinful behavior. Here's how.