How can I come boldly into the throne of grace? Here are 3 things to know
The Bible encourages, even urges us to come boldly to the throne of grace, most especially for mercy and grace that we will need in trying times. Many of us know that we should do that, but many of us don't because we either don't know how, or perhaps just feel like we cannot do that even if we wanted to.
Christian husbands, here are 3 ways to love your wives and get them to love you back
Husbands, did you know that what you say and do to your wife can affect how much love they feel for you - and show to you?
3 things Christian wives can do to help their husbands grow in Christ
While discipleship in church surely helps any man grow in the Lord, a husband's marriage relationship with his wife greatly affects his growth in Christ. The marriage relationship still is the most powerful relationship any husband could have, aside from his relationship with God.
3 tips to establishing a good habit of prayer
Prayer is the Christian's lifeblood. Without prayer we will not be able to connect and commune with God. The quality of our prayer life determines the quality of our relationship with God. As such, it would be good for us to establish and develop a good habit of prayer.
Who is the good Samaritan and what can we learn from him?
There's a famous unnamed person in the Bible, someone so famous and inspiring that many ministries around the world are named after him.
How can I be a better man? 3 tips how
We Christian men should desire to be the best Christian men that we can be. We ought to be as Christ-like as possible, as Godly as can be, and as pleasing to the Lord as possible.
When is the best time to marry? 3 ways to know
Many single men and women tend to ponder about the time they get married. Some tend to ask a married friend about the right time, the right person, but can't seem to find the right answer
3 things we can learn from 'doubting' Thomas
The Bible presents to us many lessons through the people included in its pages. One of the figures in it, Jesus' very own disciple Thomas, gives us a few important things to learn.
Inner voices: How you can learn to hear the ones worth listening to
What is a voice? Where might it come from? Why is it so powerful? How might we say it actually has the power to run our lives?
Why doesn't God speak to me?
If you're anything like me, you'll have certainly experienced the frustration of trying, and apparently failing to hear anything at all.
Bath Abbey's pews and the battle for a strange church: We should resist normal
But there's a wider question, symbolised by the Bath Abbey row â which, let's face it, is itself pretty niche â and it's not just about buildings.
Remake of the Nintendo Game Boy classic edition to arrive soon this year
Gamers worldwide will soon get their hands on the remake version of the original Game Boy for only 100. Video game peripheral manufacturer Hyperkin will soon produce remakes of the Game Boy Classic Edition.
Microsoft to bring a new Career system to better recognize Xbox players for their achievements
A new Xbox Career feature is being developed to reward hardworking players more. Microsoft will soon launch the new and improved rewarding system, bringing new levels, loot crates, and other rewards for gamers.
Does God still speak in an audible voice? He has to me
Of all the slurs aimed at Christians by atheists, the idea that we're just 'the people who hear voices' is one of the most painful.
Samsung to launch Galaxy S9 next month in the midst of the Mobile World Congress
It is official -- Samsung will finally launch one of its biggest smartphone products ever, the Galaxy S9. The smartphone will be unveiled during the Mobile World Congress next month.