HIV/AIDS cure news: Slow-release pill could potentially solve glaring problem in disease treatment
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts have found a convenient way to possibly combat Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
How to know if you're being tempted? 3 signs to watch out for
There's a very thin line that separates appreciation from temptation, and that line is called "purity."
What does Genesis 2:24 look like in real life?
Many couples fail to fully grasp the intended meaning of Genesis 2:24. It's a short verse that is packed with instruction and wisdom, and disobeying it will ensure that we have a marriage with loads of problems.
Why did Paul rebuke the slave girl in Acts 16?
Acts 16 presents to us an account worth noting, an account showing Paul rebuking someone for saying that he and his companions were preachers of the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.
When is it right for a Christian to get mad?
Christians ought to be mad for the right reasons.
Why did Jesus say 'if your right eye causes you to sin' and not both eyes?
When we read Jesus' words in Matthew 5:29-30, several things come to mind. But why would Jesus zero in on just one eye and not consider both eyes?
Do I have to confess my sins to another person so that God will forgive me?
Confessing our sins to God and confessing our sins to others are two different things.
3 things Christian men should remember at work
The Bible tells us that we ought to be like Christ in all that we do. Whether at home or in the office, at work or at play, we've got to be like Jesus Christ in the way we think, act, and relate with others. This goes the same for all that we are doing and will be doing.
What we can learn from Luke 23 and Romans 10 about who can actually be saved
"...that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
Am I really blessed when someone persecutes me as I obey Christ?
We Christians like to believe that blessings always feel good.
3 ways married couples shouldn't talk to each other
Communication is a key ingredient to a growing, happy, and healthy marriage. Married couples need to learn how to communicate in ways that foster growth, encourage openness, and cultivate love. When husbands and wives communicate the right way, great things happen.
5 Bible verses for when loneliness creeps in
As God's people, we're always told that God will never leave us nor forsake us. God actually promised that, but the truth is that until we arrive at a level of faith and intimacy with Him, we will experience loneliness.
Cancer cure news 2018: Doctors reveal new method to detect cancer cells at its most 'curable' stages
The cure for cancer has taken a giant step forward after the development of a project entitled "CancerSEEK." The said project was developed by a medical team in John Hopkins University in the United States.
3 important lessons from the life of Jonah, the prophet who was swallowed by a whale
His life and ministry, recorded in but four chapters, brings so many lessons to Christians old and new.
5 things every Christian family can do to grow in faith together
Family is the smallest, most basic unit of society. It is here that parents are given the opportunity to shower their love on their kids, that children are trained in the ways they will go as they grow, and that all members of the family can grow in the faith.