When does Easter Sunday fall in 2018, and how is the specific date determined?
The lunar calendar actually has a hand in determining the date of Easter Sunday.
When do clocks change for summer time 2018? Do they go forward or backward?
British Summer Time states that clocks should go forward one hour, once every year. When will it happen in 2018?
Jews are under threat all over the world. But today on Purim, we make merry
Are Jews a blessing or a curse for society?
Embracing the 'Beast from the East': Why snow days are good for us
I wonder if there is a deeper and somehow better invitation to embrace all that these snowy days offer.
E-cigarettes release toxic fumes, researchers find
Research reveals that some e-cigarette brands produce toxic fumes that pose health risks.
What did Jesus mean when He said 'That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit'?
Being a "Christian" can only happen by the Holy Spirit's power. No human can become truly born again by human methods, for only the Spirit can give birth to our spiritual life.
Cancer news: Studies on creating 'mini-tumors' to help battle cancer are a 'success,' according to the The Institute for Cancer Research in London
Scientists at The Institute for Cancer Research in London have successfully grown "organoids," which will push the fight against cancer even further.
Punishing perfectionism: Why we should make more mistakes, not fewer
Dear Lord, please help us to make more mistakes.
When God delays: The question that twists like a fish-hook in the heart
It was not just the sinfulness of the people that brought Habakkuk close to despair, it was also the delay in God's action.
3 ways Christians are worse than unbelievers
Many Christians who are proud of their association with Christ fail to see the reality that at times, they are the reason why so many non-Christians don't like Christianity.
Am I a 'true Christian' if I don't feel like I have borne all the fruit of the Spirit?
Have you ever doubted if you're a true Christian or not because you feel like you don't have the fruits of the Spirit in you?
3 Bible verses for when money is scarce and you are desperate for income
The Bible tells us that God is both our good Father and Provider. We can always rely on Him and run to Him for help and our daily provisions.
5 Bible verses for times of confusion and indecision
God is able to drive away confusion and help us make the right decisions that we need to make in life. And since He is good, we can always run to Him for help whenever such circumstances arise.
3 reflections from the 'Samson' movie
Samson is a human just like any of us. While he did have a divine destiny (all of us do), he was also a man who had his share of issues. The movie simply allowed us to see that he was human like us.
How should a Christian express anger?
Anger is a very powerful thing. When uncontrolled, it can be very sinful and dangerous, but when motivated by the right reasons and put in the right place it can bring forth good and righteous results.