
Pope Francis Slams Door On Female Priests â For Ever
Pope Francis said on Tuesday he believes the Roman Catholic Church's ban on women becoming priests is forever and will never be changed.

Why Catholics And Lutherans Can't Just Kiss And Make Up
Yesterday marked the 499th anniversary of Martin Luther's nailing of his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg church.

Give Unto Caesar...Christian Pastor Refuses To Obey Order To Hand Sermons To The State
Nearly 40,000 people have signed a petition backing a Christian pastor who is resisting demands to hand over his sermons to the state.

Mission Isn't For Amateurs: How Untrained Enthusiasts Can Do More Harm Than Good
A week or so ago, a storm was kicked up on the internet when a church group from the USA posted a video online about its mission work in Uganda, only to have many Ugandans reply that it was offensive.

500 Years After Reformation, Catholics And Lutherans 'No Longer Strangers'
Catholic and Lutheran leaders signed a joint declaration to mark the 500th year of the Protestant reformation on Monday.

Nigeria's Vice President Tells Christian Faithful: God Will Bless Our Nation
The vice president of Nigeria is encouraging his fellow Christian faithful in the African nation â some of whom are being persecuted â to always believe in God and pray that their country and its current government will always be blessed.

Evangelical Anglicans Urged To 'Stand Up And Be Counted' Over Gay Blessings
A rallying cry for clergy opposed to same-sex relationships to "stand up and be counted" has been issued by the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC).

Going to Church Improves Health, Helps People Live Longer, New Study Shows
Go to church, live longer.

What Makes Christianity Distinctive Today?
The early Church experienced phenomenal growth but also great persecution, reports scholar Scot McKnight. Some of the attacks it received might sound familiar.

Trailblazers For Martin Luther: 5 Great Reformers
The Reformation broke the rule of the Roman Catholic Church, which dominated and defined Western Christianity for more than 1300 years.

24/7 Webchat For Spiritually Searching: Church Of Scotland Looks To Reverse Decline
The Church of Scotland will launch a webchat service to help those looking for guidance but unwilling to come on a Sunday.

For All The Saints... Why Evangelicals, Protestants, Everybody Should Mark All Saints Day
The feast of All Saints is a tradition which the Church has kept for generations. It allows us to remember those who have gone before us, kept the faith and passed it onto us. Those without whom, we would have the richness of the inheritance of the Church.

This Church Mixes God and Guns: Can a Christian Kill Another Human Being?
Can guns and God go together? One church in America says yes, they can. In fact, the Rocky Mount United Methodist Church in Jemison, Alabama, has built its own gun range at the back of the place of worship to attract more members, CBN News reported.

Why It's Ok To Be A 'Spineless Christian'
For many parts of the Church, being 'spineless' has become one of the contemporary 'deadly sins'. But is being spineless really as bad as it sounds?

The Glorious Truth Of All Saints Day, And Why It's Better Than Halloween
The old Christian festival of Halloween has taken over by merchandisers and pumpkin growers.

Why Do People Stop Going To Church? Church of England Fails To Halt Decline
Sunday churchgoing plummets to an unprececedented new low, according latest figures from the Church of England.