
Senior Anglican Bishop To Preside At LGBT Eucharist
Senior Anglican Bishop To Preside At LGBT Eucharist

The Rt Rev Rachel Treweek, Bishop of Gloucester, is set to preside at an LGBT Eucharist in January to "offer a safe space" to gay worshippers.

Over 100 Men Lying Face Down in U.S. Church Cry Out to God in Inspiring Video That\'s Gone Viral
Over 100 Men Lying Face Down in U.S. Church Cry Out to God in Inspiring Video That's Gone Viral

Over a hundred men are seen lying face down inside a church and crying out to God. What's happening here?

Christian Convert From Islam Is Released After Nearly 7 Years in Jail
Christian Convert From Islam Is Released After Nearly 7 Years in Jail

Tohar Haydarov has been released six years into his 10-year sentence by Uzbek authorities.

Hundreds Of Pentecostal Christians To Gather In London For Landmark Meeting
Hundreds Of Pentecostal Christians To Gather In London For Landmark Meeting

Hundreds will mark the UK's first ever National Pentecostal Symposium in London on Saturday.

Church in Dallas Defends Showing of Cowboys Football Match After Service
Church in Dallas Defends Showing of Cowboys Football Match After Service

A church in Dallas, Texas not only provided a place for worship for Christians on Sunday but also gave them a chance to watch and cheer for their football home team after service.

Surprising Truths About Church Salaries and Budgets
Surprising Truths About Church Salaries and Budgets

How much do church staff really earn? This is a question Christians have wondered at one point or another, but have been too shy to ask.

Top Barrister To Examine Evidence Of Sex Abuse Case Against Bishop George Bell
Top Barrister To Examine Evidence Of Sex Abuse Case Against Bishop George Bell

Lord Carlile of Berriew has been named as the independent reviewer in the case of George Bell, the Church of England former Bishop of Chichester who was accused of paedophilia 37 years after his death.

Tullian Tchividjian Has Remarried, Preaches about God\'s \'Magnificent Intervention\'
Tullian Tchividjian Has Remarried, Preaches about God's 'Magnificent Intervention'

Tullian Tchividjian, the grandson of Billy Graham whose marriage and ministry collapsed after revelations of inappropriate relationships with women, has remarried.

Judgment Is Real And So Is Hell, Says Pope Francis
Judgment Is Real And So Is Hell, Says Pope Francis

Pope Francis has urged the importance of believing in judgment and hell.

Church Of England Issues Fierce Rebuke To Conservative Body GAFCON
Church Of England Issues Fierce Rebuke To Conservative Body GAFCON

The Church of England top lay official has issued an extraordinary admonishment to the conservative Anglican body GAFCON UK after it published a list of clergy and church leaders in same-sex relationships.

Jesus Christ Has Officially Been Declared The King Of Poland
Jesus Christ Has Officially Been Declared The King Of Poland

Jesus has been declared King of Poland in a ceremony attended by the country's president Andrzei Duda.

Is The Church Of England Finally About To Make A Decision On Gay Marriage?
Is The Church Of England Finally About To Make A Decision On Gay Marriage?

One of the Church's most senior bodies – the House of Bishops – has a climax meeting this week in London.

Christian Church in Australia Agrees to Be Place of Worship for Muslims
Christian Church in Australia Agrees to Be Place of Worship for Muslims

A Christian church in Western Australia has opened its doors to become a place where Muslims can pray once a week.

Welby Defies Officials To Visit Persecuted Christians In Pakistan
Welby Defies Officials To Visit Persecuted Christians In Pakistan

The Archbishop of Canterbury rejected foreign office advice not to visit persecuted Christians in Pakistan over the weekend.

Vatican Explores Space-Age Technology To Preserve Its Most Ancient Documents
Vatican Explores Space-Age Technology To Preserve Its Most Ancient Documents

The Vatican has turned to space-age technology to help preserve some of the oldest and most fragile documents in the world.

Pope Francis: Priests Can Forgive Women Who Have Abortions
Pope Francis: Priests Can Forgive Women Who Have Abortions

Pope Francis has concluded his Jubilee Year of Mercy with an extraordinary grant of permission to priests to continue absolving women who have had abortions.