
Anti-Islam Group PEGIDA Suffers Massive Fall In Protestors
Anti-Islam Group PEGIDA Suffers Massive Fall In Protestors

The latest march in Germany by the anti-Islam protest group PEGIDA drew a fraction of the supporters who turned out for previous rallies.

Atheist-Led Canadian Church Dispenses With Bible, Replaces Lord\'s Prayer With Secular Invocation
Atheist-Led Canadian Church Dispenses With Bible, Replaces Lord's Prayer With Secular Invocation

From Canada comes this shocking news: A Christian church is being led by an openly atheist minister who has mostly done away with the Bible and has replaced the Lord's Prayer with a nonsectarian affirmation.

Archaeologist Uses Holy Bible to Locate Where Jesus Was Really Crucified
Archaeologist Uses Holy Bible to Locate Where Jesus Was Really Crucified

An archaeologist has used the Holy Bible to locate where Jesus Christ was really crucified, and he found an area different from what has traditionally been believed to be the site of the crucifixion.

45,000 People Baptised At Rick Warren\'s Saddleback Church
45,000 People Baptised At Rick Warren's Saddleback Church

Warren called the moment "historic", before Alberto Flores became the 45,000th person to be baptised by the church.

Jesuits Elect First Latin American Leader
Jesuits Elect First Latin American Leader

The Jesuits, who count Pope Francis as a member, elected 67-year-old Father Arturo Sosa Abascal, from Venezuela.

This Spiritual Practice Is Shared By Millions Around The World Every Day
This Spiritual Practice Is Shared By Millions Around The World Every Day

The Examen was developed by St Ignatius of Lloyola – a Spanish soldier who abandoned his military career once he had converted to Christianity. He developed a series of techniques which he wrote down as The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.

Church of England Could Soon Remove Legal Requirement For Regular Sunday Services
Church of England Could Soon Remove Legal Requirement For Regular Sunday Services

The Church of England is considering moves to abandon the legal requirement to hold regular services of morning and evening prayer in parish churches because of declining congregations.

King Of Bahrain Donates Land For New Church
King Of Bahrain Donates Land For New Church

The King of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa al Khalifa, has donated a portion of Bahrain's land for the construction of the Kingdom's second Coptic church.

Church in U.S. Faces Fine of $100 a Day for Providing Shelter to the Homeless
Church in U.S. Faces Fine of $100 a Day for Providing Shelter to the Homeless

A Christian church in Delaware, U.S. is being threatened with hefty fines because it provided housing to a young mother with physical disability.

Tom Wright: Why The Cross Is Bigger Than You Think
Tom Wright: Why The Cross Is Bigger Than You Think

NT Wright has released a new book, 'The Day the Revolution Began', about the meaning of Jesus' crucifixion. Christian Today spoke with him about the problem of evil, the power of love, and how many have missed out on what the Cross is all about.

Why Brian McLaren Thinks Christianity Needs To Reimagine God
Why Brian McLaren Thinks Christianity Needs To Reimagine God

McLaren says it's time to rethink how we are Christians, moving away from concepts based on violence, dominance and exclusion to a vision of God based on love.

WATCH: Justin Welby Talks Suffering, Gay Marriage And Donald Trump

In a frank and extensive interview with the BBC's Jeremy Vine, the Archbishop of Canterbury discussed how he reacted to the revelations about his real father, his largely unhappy childhood with alcoholic parents and the death of his daughter.

Evangelical Anglicans Warn Bishops Of \'Fundamental Disunity\' If Church Changes Teaching On Gay Relationships
Evangelical Anglicans Warn Bishops Of 'Fundamental Disunity' If Church Changes Teaching On Gay Relationships

Nearly a hundred evangelical leaders have written to Church of England bishops and warned any change in teaching or practice over same-sex relationships would cause "fundamental disunity".

New Moderator For Church Of Scotland: \'Social Inclusion Is A Gospel Issue\'
New Moderator For Church Of Scotland: 'Social Inclusion Is A Gospel Issue'

A minister who played a key role in establishing the Church of Scotland's biggest annual open-air festival has been named as the next Moderator of the General Assembly.

3 Different Ways To Hold A Week Of Prayer At Your Church
3 Different Ways To Hold A Week Of Prayer At Your Church

Are you thinking of holding a week of prayer at your church but don't know where to begin? Look no further.