
What's Wrong With TULIP? Southern Baptists Resist 'Aggressive' Advance Of New Calvinism
An old theological controversy is alive and well in evangelical circles today, provoking students at a leading Baptist seminary to walk out of a sermon by a visiting preacher.

Two Critical After Pastor Gave Congregation 'Liquid Substance' To Drink
More than 20 churchgoers have been treated by paramedics after they were given a mystery "liquid substance" at a church service.

'Prophet of Doom' Who Sprays People's Faces With Toxic Insecticide Ordered to Stop Doing It By Authorities
"Stop it!" That was the order issued by authorities in South Africa addressed to a controversial pastor nicknamed "Prophet of Doom" who has been spraying insecticide with the brand name "Doom" on his congregants.

Tullian Tchividjian's Brother, Uncle Join Condemnation Of His Behaviour
Another Christian organisation has issued a condemnation of Tullian Tchividjian after revelations from several women about his behaviour towards them.

Should Protestants Pay More Attention To Mary? And What's The Immaculate Conception Anyway?
What is the Immaculate Conception? Why do some Christians believe it and others don't?

Men With 'Homosexual Tendencies' Cannot Become Priests, Says Catholic Church
People with "deep-seated homosexual tendencies" cannot become priests in the Roman Catholic Church, the Vatican says in a new document.

Gay Clergyman Loses Appeal Against Church After Same-Sex Marriage
A gay clergyman has lost his appeal he was discriminated against when his licence to practise was removed after he married his gay partner.

GAFCON Head Warns The Church Against 'Sleepwalking Into Fatal Compromise'
The Anglican Church is at risk of "sleepwalk[ing] into fatal compromise", the chairman of the conservative grouping GAFCON said in his Advent pastoral letter this week.

Megachurch Pastor Forced To Step Down Over Alcohol Says He Won't Seek Quick Route Back Into Ministry
A former megachurch pastor who left his position after admitting a drinking problem and issues related to his marriage, says he won't be returning to frontline church ministry.

More People Turning to Christ in Nepal, Which Now Hosts Over 1 Million Believers and 8,000 Churches
More and more people in Nepal are turning to Christianity ever since the predominantly Hindu nation in South Asia went secular in 2008.

Director Martin Scorsese Says Pope Francis Joked Andrew Garfield Should Be Ordained During Their Vatican Meeting
Scorsese has been busy promoting his upcoming movie, Silence, which tells the story of Jesuit priests in 17th century Japan and stars Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver and Liam Neeson.

How Should A Modern Christian Woman Dress?
With pressure from society on how a Christian woman should look, Christian women must look deep into themselves to know what truly pleases God.

Archbishop Of Canterbury: 'Nothing Is So Disastrous That Jesus Cannot Redeem It'
The Archbishop of Canterbury has revealed that he keeps "vaguely sane" by running around his garden.

Tullian Tchividjian 'Disqualified From Ministry' Say Pastors And Friends
Pressure is growing on Tullian Tchividjian to leave Christian ministry altogether after another public call from "pastors and friends" for him to quit.

Archbishop Of York Urges Churches To Join Christmas Appeal
Churches are being urged to join the Archbishop of York's support for WaterAid's Christmas appeal.

Rare Wycliffe Bible Smashes Estimate, Sells For $1.7 Million
The Bible collection amassed by theologian and author Dr Charles Caldwell Ryrie smashed pre-sale estimates when it was sold at Sotheby's New York.