Staff writer
Glasgow priest launches legal action against Scotland's ban on in-person worship
A Glasgow priest has sent a pre-action letter to the Scottish Government demanding that churches be allowed to re-open for public worship.
Allowing public worship again is a 'priority' for Scottish Government
Nicola Sturgeon says that "priority" will be given to the re-opening of churches in Scotland for public worship in the forthcoming strategic framework for exiting the current lockdown.
Thousands killed by euthanasia and assisted suicide across Belgium and Netherlands
Both countries introduced euthanasia and assisted suicide laws in 2002.
Theatre was within its rights to sack Christian actress over gay views, says court
An employment tribunal has sided with Leicester's Curve Theatre in a discrimination case brought by a Christian actress who was sacked over comments about homosexuality on Facebook.
Stories of answered prayer spread hope during Covid-19
Christian leaders who have shared their stories of answered prayer include Share Jesus International's Andy Frost, CAP founder Dr John Kirkby, and Evangelical Alliance CEO Gavin Calver.
Christian leaders remember 21 men martyred by ISIS in Libya
Coptic Orthodox Archbishop Angaelos and Archbishop of Canterbury were among the Church leaders and politicians remembering the 21 Libya martyrs six years on from their death.
Ash Wednesday at home for many Christians
Although churches are allowed to open in England and Wales, many Christians are today marking Ash Wednesday from home.
Christian and pro-life groups to benefit from Government's university free speech plans
The Government has given the universities regulator powers to impose fines on institutions that do not uphold free speech.
Scottish Christians fear criminalisation of trans criticism
An unprecedented alliance of evangelical, Catholic and Free Church leaders has issued a joint appeal to the Scottish Government to ditch changes to the law that could potentially criminalise any criticism of transgender ideology.
Judge grants judicial review into Scottish church closures during lockdown
Scottish ministers are to face a judicial review into why churches were forced to close their buildings during the current lockdown.
Covid vaccine is bringing hope, says Christian care home
The Covid-19 vaccine has brought "hope and relief" to staff and residents at care homes, says Pilgrims' Friend Society.
RZIM UK parts ways with global organisation after Ravi Zacharias abuse report
RZIM UK has announced a "clear separation" from the global organisation founded by Ravi Zacharias after a damning report concluded that the late apologist had engaged in sexual misconduct and rape.