Patrick Mabilog
Why God does not want to see bitter Christians
When we are faced with offence, hurt and disappointment caused by others, it can be easy to fall into a root of bitterness. But God says in His word that because of what Jesus has done, forgiveness of sins flows to us and we in turn can now forgive and be forgiven, instead of allowing bitterness to flourish.
You are not a mistake: Why knowing this makes all the difference in your relationship with God
Deep inside every human being is an embedded desire to know the reason for his creationâthe specific purpose why he is here on earth.
Pastors, never outgrow the gospel
As a leader of a local church, it can often get tempting to trust other things aside from the Gospel.
5 things that might be hindering you from excelling in your work
God doesn't ask us to be perfect, but to depend on the perfection of Jesus Christ and do our best to honour Him in all that we do.
What 'abiding in Christ' doesn't mean
What does it mean to abide in Christ and what does it bring into our lives?
God is for you, not against you
While it's true that God allows us to suffer, challenges do not come because of God.
Learning to control your emotions instead of them controlling you
One thing we must understand about emotions is that they are God-given and can be used for His glory as long as we surrender our hearts and our will to Christ.
Learning to say 'I'm sorry' to your kids
As Christian parents, we would like to think that everything we do to and for our kids is for their own good, but sometimes we tend to do things that actually hurt them instead of build them up.
Finding contentment without getting complacent
The last thing any ambitious person would want is to be stagnant and many of us feel that to live a life of contentment will lead to stagnation.
What does submission in marriage look like?
Many women hear the word submission and roll their eyes, most especially if a man says it.
What is it about jealousy that destroys us?
Envy and jealousy may appear to be harmless and insignificant, but at it's core is a dangerous attitude that will cause us to miss out on God's best.
Tips on making criticism and correction constructive
To understand the love of the Jesus will show us that God's means of growing us is through discipline, rebuke and correction.