Patrick Mabilog
Why do we do ministry in the first place?
One hears the word ministry and thinks usually of preaching, teaching, counselling, worship leading, or any activity that is involved in church affairs.
What destroys marriages fastest?
A marriage where the grace of God that comes through Christ is absent is going to be built on the weakest foundation.
Freedom from the shame of the past: Just like the people in the Bible who failed God, you can be free today
God promises that His love and the work of Christ covers a multitude of sins, and that grace applied to so many people in the Bible we would consider giants of faith.
Why life won't be easy when you walk with Jesus Christ
The biggest misunderstanding about Christianity is that it's supposed to be easy.
How is the joy of the Lord our strength?
God promises in His word that He is a more than sufficient source of strength that we can turn to at all times.
Allowing the cross to break you: Responding to the gospel with humility
The cross is what gives us life, but before life can be given, we must first be broken by it.
'You must be born again': Why the concept can be confusing, especially to new believers
While not many take the phrase "born again" literally by thinking that we need to physically be born again, it can still be a confusing concept to many.
Why God hates sexual immorality
The Bible makes it clear how much God hates the sin of sexual immorality just like any other sin because it destroys God's beautiful design for us.
4 ways we misunderstand 'receiving' Jesus
We all have experienced having a wrong notion about receiving Jesus at some point. Here are four common ways we misunderstand receiving Jesus.
8 scriptures that bring peace in the midst of conflict
Even in the midst of conflict and differences, we can celebrate oneness in Christ knowing that because we are of one faith, we can exist in unity even if there is no uniformity.
5 signs that your leadership needs a reboot
Sometimes we find that just like a worn out computer, our leadership needs a reboot that will bring us back into the right spirit and sense of being a leader.
How we've been praying the wrong way all this time
We think that our prayers are answered when there is maximum faith and minimal doubt in our hearts, otherwise it's best you try again.