Patrick Mabilog
The one reason why you probably aren't valuing prayer
Prayer is a means by which we speak directly to and with our Father through our mediator Jesus Christ. As important as prayer is, we have to admit that there are times when we do not value prayer.
What we can learn from Stephen Curry's championship loss on Philippians 4:13
The problem with the big misconception of "I can do all things through Christ" is the wrong notion that we're in charge of our lives.
5 simple mistakes that allow pride to enter our hearts
Pride, at the core of it's being, is neglecting the need for Jesus in our life and how without Him, we are not whole.
How to make God your centre: Stop living to impress others
The glorification and enjoyment of God is the one true purpose of mankind's creation. Sometimes we feel we have to please other people because we fear their rejection. However, in Christ there is no rejection to those who believe Him.
3 promises God gives in Isaiah 43:1 that will build our faith
Everyone has a fear that can cripple or disable them from trusting in God.
A message to all imperfect parents: Children are not trophies of our accomplishments
Imperfect parenting is more common than we think. It's so common that every parent is guilty of it.
Tips for new leaders: Highlighting Jesus is the key to a smooth leadership transition
Leadership transition can be hard in any setting whether it be in the context of ministry, corporate or community leadership.
Difficulty in discipleship: When is the time to give up on people we want to become disciples?
The great commission Jesus gives to all who follow Him is to make disciples. But sometimes when we attempt to turn people into disciples, they show little or no willingness to reach out to Christ.
What does it mean when God desires mercy over sacrifice?
Much of Christianity is viewed as people trying to attain and reach communion with God when the true message of our faith is our Lord Jesus coming down to us and reaching out to the broken and lost and restoring us back to Him.
8 scriptures on finding peace in God's presence
God's Word promises us that of all things, nothing can give more peace than Jesus Christ who gave His life up for us so that we would receive His peace.
Why praying harder won't always give us our breakthroughs
We often put too much emphasis on our efforts and our abilities to pray and fail to recognise that God moves not according to our faithfulness, but according to His faithfulness and behind the power that is now in Jesus' name and authority.
How to be liberated from self-anger and self-hate
We live in a world where self-hate is glorified and sometimes even promoted. Truth is that self-hatred is dangerous and contrasting to God's perfect will for each of us.