Patrick Mabilog
When fear is produced by perfect love
The Bible actually talks about different kinds of fear. God has no problem with fear. The problem lies in what motivates that fear.
God's standard invitesâit does not alienate
His standard is an open door to all, and it has been opened by the finished work of Christ.
We cannot earn righteousness
Jesus takes our dirty records and swaps them with His clean slate so that we may walk in God's goodness.
What matters more than skill in becoming job competent
When we think of job competency, the first thing that we think of is a skill or talent. While skill and talent may help, it's not enough to stand out in the work place.
Allowing the gospel to offend you
The gospel points to the fallen condition of man that highlights our need of Jesus Christ.
How God's beauty affects our daily living
To say that God's beauty can affect your life is an understatement. It has the power to transform you completely.
8 scriptures that teach us to be generous
Being generous is tough because it can sometimes put us in a position where we need to sacrifice our own personal desires and comfort to be a blessing to others.
What is the Bible's antidote to living in the flesh?
The Bible tells us that when we live by faith in the finished work of Christ, we have become new creations because our spirits are now renewed and made right with God. However, even as we now walk with right spirits, we are still left with the struggle of our flesh that still remains sinful.
Being a 'pastor' to your children has little to do with preaching to them
Parental pastoring is something that the Lord clearly calls us into, providing not just for the physical needs of our children, but even the needs of their spirits and souls.
4 parenting truths we can learn from Pokemon Go
While the game Pokémon Go poses challenges, it also provides us parents with some valuable lessons that can point us toward more Christ-enabled and Christ-centered parenting.
7 scriptures on praising God through affliction
It seems that, in a Christian's life, problems will forever be a constant. God reminds us that in times of deepest trouble we can still put our faith in Jesus, knowing He has already won the battle.
3 ways we misunderstand worship
We are all divinely called by the one true God to be worshippers. It doesn't matter what you do or who you are, it's deeply wired into each and every human being to worship something or someone.