Patrick Mabilog
How can you ask God in a way that has power - and receive what you are asking for?
If there's one thing Jesus told us over and over again to do, it's to ask.
Public declarations mean nothing without life-changing faith
If we truly understand the gravity of our sin and the magnificence of God's grace, we should be driven to live a life that publicly declares our faith.
Building a ministry that invites people to get involved
Getting people involved in ministry can be a daunting challenge for church leaders, but Jesus promised that He would build a vibrant church that would be well equipped not just with volunteers and ministers but with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Worship is about a lifestyle, not the music
Jesus is most glorified when gifts in music are used for His glory, but as wonderful as music and singing are, they are not worship.
Christianity is more than just making sure we don't do wrong
as important as laws and obedience are, they are not the only component to our faith. Compliance and obedience mean nothing if they don't bring us closer to Jesus Christ.
If I'm already saved and in Christ, why do I still continue in sin?
We're called to live a life dead to sin and alive in Christ but the age old question for Christians on the topic of transformation is this: "If I'm already saved and in Christ, why do I still continue in sin?"
The great faith paradox: the salvation we enjoy is free but it will cost us everything to live it out
Freedom and salvation in Christ is free, but it will cost us everything. As ironic as this paradox may seem, many Christians find this to be true in their lives.
Feel too shy to be a leader for Christ? Here's why introverts are called by God into leadership too
Leadership is a call God gives to many people irregardless of background, qualification or training. It is primarily because of the fullness of Christ that we are given gifts such as the gift of leadership and the ability to carry out our gifts regardless of how God makes us.
Whose job is it to find the ministry leaders?
Church ministry rises and falls on the availability and readiness of the next batch of leaders. In Jesus' three years of ministry, much of His time was given to identifying and training those who would be His next leaders.
Praying for wisdom: Does it really work?
Can we really, through the grace now given by God through Christ, receive heavenly wisdom or are we pretty much on our own when making decisions?
4 traits to look for in the next worship leader
Experiencing God through worship is one of the most rewarding experiences there is and to be an usher that leads people to Christ as we are brought by the Holy Spirit into God's Most Holy place can be a big responsibility. That's why choosing worship leaders can be as crucial as choosing a preacher.
12 easy ways we can show our love for the unchurched
One of the most important tasks that Jesus has set every believer is to be a light to the world and salt upon the earth. Here are twelve ways we can do that.