Patrick Mabilog
Feel stuck in a meaningless 9-5? Here's why our work is always first and foremost God's work
God is the author of your work and your profession. This brings about three revelations on work for all of us that will change our perspective of work.
Why faith pleases God
Faith is so important that it is only by our faith in Jesus Christ that we are saved from eternal separation from God and that we are enabled to live this life victoriously.
5 books that can grow our understanding of God's grace
Here are five Christian books that can help you grow in your understanding of God's grace.
How to battle depression the way Jesus did
Jesus is a God who can relate to our struggles, hunger, suffering and pain because He once also bore them.
Theology is great but the goal of 'studying God' should never be more head knowledge
Knowing God is important, but sometimes our quest for knowledge can become a stumbling block to growing in God. There comes a point where knowing and understanding just isn't enough.
Abundant joy through trying seasons: Why we need bad times too
God wants us to be a complete package built up in character, hope, wisdom, knowledge and every good thing that is of Christ. In other words, Jesus wants us to be more like Him. The only way we will ever see that happen is if we are tested and tried.
The key to being a fisher of men: You cannot save people's souls, only Jesus can
Every Christian is called to be a light unto the world and is commanded to go and make disciples, but does that mean that God's commission is up to us?
Loving our kids the Christian way: Don't be a parent who misses the point - and the person
Often in our own blindness or busyness, we do things thinking that we're in the right only to find that we have been sincerely wrong from the beginning.
Godly parenting: 3 principles on anger that parents should learn for more effective discipline
Being a parent is a delight and a blessing, but we parents cannot deny that there can be moments where children can do or say things that provoke frustration and even anger.
4 lessons on God's sovereignty, life and value that I learned from cancer
Here are four lessons that have become real to me through my experience of the treacherous sickness that is cancer.
Jesus is still the antidote to all the suffering in the world
How can we find hope in the midst of all of this suffering?
Why God doesn't ask you to go to church
God makes it clear throughout scripture that the church is not a place we go to but a group of people who build each other up in Jesus Christ