Patrick Mabilog
How a Christian can respond to cyber-bullying
Cyber-bullying is as real for Christians as it can be for anyone, and sadly many of us do not deal with it too well.
3 ways we lead our children away from God with our words
Here are three common ways that we lead our children away from God with our words.
God values relationships more than we think and here's why we should too
So many people live lives treating relationships as cheap. There are so many disposable relationships and conditional partnerships, and unknowingly it breaks us inside because we were moulded in a way that we were meant to be joint together with others in relationships.
How to pass the test of faith
Abraham wasn't perfect and he made a lot of mistakes, but this one instance He stood his ground set the example for all of us to follow today. Here are three things we can learn from Abraham to pass the test of faith.
Does someone need to ask for forgiveness to be forgiven?
Can we forgive someone who does not ask for forgiveness? Should we even think of offering forgiveness when people don't want it?
3 men in the Bible who were righteous even though they were not politically correct
There is a difference between being in right standing in the eyes of God and being politically correct
5 ways to get more people involved in small group discipleship
Here are five ways that we can get more people involved in small groups.
3 ways our pursuit of happiness can actually lead us away from God
God wants us to be happy, but that does not necessarily mean that He wants our lives to be about the pursuit of happiness because sometimes the pursuit of happiness can lead us on a road that takes us away from Christ instead of to Him.
3 non-negotiables to stepping out of our comfort zone
God's calling for us is a wonderful plan that brings prosperity and a future, but that doesn't mean that He gives us an easy calling.
6 verses on building compassion for the broken
Here are six verses on building compassion towards the broken around you.
Is my job getting in the way of Christ?
Here are a few questions for you to answer that will help you clarify whether God is really more important than your career.
A biblical perspective on 'days off': How to rest the way God wants you to
Work is important and it honors God, but so do our days off and time given to rest.