Patrick Mabilog
4 Ways to Give Children Hope in Tough Times
As a parent, how can we build our children's faith in a way that gives them hope? Here are four ways that we can do that.
5 Means By Which the Spirit Helps Us in Our Weakness
When we aren't capable, the Holy Spirit becomes our capability. Here are five means by which the Holy Spirit works even in our weakness.
3 Wrong Ways to Respond When Someone Has a Different Opinion From You
When you are faced with a different opinion, how do you usually react? Here are three ways to not respond to someone with a different opinion.
The Correlation Between Boldness and Righteousness
If you're a person who struggles with fear, the answer is not to be more fearless but to be more faithful and in the process earn God's righteousness.
Does the Bible Really Prohibit Women From Speaking in Church?
1 Corinthians 14:33-35 is one of those passages in the Bible that you sometimes wish wasn't there, but it is.
The One Thing That Will Cause Any Leader to Fall
Leaders who have failed in life have one thing in common. No it's not lack of education, or certain skills, or charisma or drive. It's their failure to lead at home before they took the lead in the marketplace of ministry.
4 Ways God Renews Our Mind When We Allow Him to
How do we allow God to renew the mind? Here are four ways and, in some way, four things that happen when we allow God to renew our minds.
Is Lack of Money a Good Reason for Christians to Postpone Their Wedding Day?
The reason we get married is not money, it's for the glory of God. But we can't deny that money is an important factor to marriage.
6 Mindsets to Help You Find Meaning in Your Life Today
Here are six mindset changes that will lead you closer to the meaning that is found in Jesus and away from the meaningless pursuits of the world.
The Subtle Difference Between Self-Confidence and Self-Reliance
There is a call to have confidence in ourselves, but to not rely solely on our own abilities, capacity or qualities.
5 Tips on How to Explain Some of the Bible's Uncomfortable Truths to Non-Believers
There is a call to speak, but how can we speak uncomfortable truth, especially to non-believers, in a way that sheds light and not hate? Here are five tips to keep in mind
5 Ways You Can Honour God With Your Money
What can we do to make sure that we use our finances in a way that glorifies God? Here are five ways that you can honour God with your money.