Patrick Mabilog
What to Think When God Seems Quiet
When God seems silent, we automatically think He's not hearing our prayers and that He's probably ignoring us altogether.
Is It Wrong If I Don't Like Some of God's Commands?
Following God's laws will not always be easy, but given enough time we will start seeing God's commands as a delight even when they don't always benefit our flesh.
Why Heavenly Treasures Bring Earthly Treasures, Too
We think that just because we would rather have the things of God that we should anticipate poverty and material depravity, but that's not always the case.
Should My New Year's Resolutions Be Faith Goals?
Another new year is coming up in less than a month, and as early as now people are starting to create New Year's resolutions for 2017.
Why Talking to Yourself is Good for Christians
The times when no one seems to speak truth and positivity to us, we can take the chance to declare God's Word to ourselves.
Why Christmas Should Always Liberate Us, Not Stress Us
Behind the parties, gifts, celebrations, shopping sales and reunions, we must remember the deeper message of Christmas and what it offers to us: freedom.
3 Telltale Signs Your Pure Christian Faith Has Deviated Into the Mystical
Here are three telltale signs your faith has deviated into the weird and mystical.
5 Signs That Your Criticism Is Not Positive
How can we filter the criticism and correction we give to others to makes sure that it's uplifting? Here are five signals that we must watch out for and avoid.
5 Ways We Can Make Our Family Time More Christ-centred
How can we allow Jesus to take centre stage in the times that our families have together at home, on vacations, when going out and every opportunity we get to be together?
5 Signs That We Underestimate the Power of Prayer
There is power in Jesus' name and in praying in His name. Here are five signs that you might have at some point underestimated the power of prayer.
Why Grace Should Cause Us to Work Hard, Not Slack Off
Grace is not a product of hard work but it is bound to compel us to work hard.
The Problem in Finding Security and Meaning in Your Job
There is a problem to finding identity, satisfaction, security and meaning in your job or career. It's just not enough.