Patrick Mabilog
Why Popularity and Influence Aren't the Same Thing
Sometimes we confuse popularity with influence. While the two overlap in many areas, they are two completely different things, and to pursue popularity does not fulfil the mandated pursuit for Christian influence.
4 Things Parents Rely on Too Much When Raising Kids
Here are four things we often rely on too much when we should be relying on God to raise our children.
Why You Aren't an Accident Even If Your Parents Didn't Plan You
God never makes mistakes and He made you.
5 Things Not To Do When Waiting for 'the One'
Here are just five of the many things we should avoid doing when waiting for the one.
How to Share Your Opinions Without Being Offensive
Here are three things to remember when sharing your opinions to make sure that your delivery backs up the value you want to provide to others.
Why God Doesn't Want Any Believers Sitting On The Bench
When we go to a Sunday service, the encounter remains an experience and nothing more, but when we get involved, we start to build relationship with people we serve with and even people we serve.
Avoiding Divorce: The Marriage Problems You Need to Address Early on
Divorce doesn't start when you walk into court. It starts much earlier than that.
4 Ways to Grow in Our Compassion for the Poor
Here are four ways that we can grow more in our compassion for the poor so that we may act with more compelling conviction.
The Most Important Phrase for Parents To Grow in Humility
What's the most important phrase that every parent must learn how to muster? No, it's not "I told you so," "do this," or "do that" although I know how we parents love using those statements.
7 of Today's Most Common Functional Saviours and How They Endanger Us
Nowadays idols can take the form of even the most ordinary and day-to-day things that we probably never notice but have now taken control of our thoughts, actions and desires in a way that was only meant for God.
5 Ways Idleness May Be Fouling Up Our Life
There's a place for comfort and rest, that's true, but when we get too comfortable idleness and laziness might start creeping into our lives.
Overcoming the False Gospel That Is Moralism
Unless we are released from the grip of moralism, we will end up falling short of salvation and grace just because we try to gain it ourselves. Here are three ways to overcome moralism.