JB Cachila

  • 5 great things for Christians to accomplish in 2018

    5 great things for Christians to accomplish in 2018

    If we want to make 2018 a great year for us, we've got to make it a great year for God.

  • What is the unpardonable sin and how can I know if I've committed it?

    What is the unpardonable sin and how can I know if I've committed it?

    The unpardonable, or unforgivable, sin is a dreadful thing to commit. What is it? How do we know if we have committed it?

  • What does the woman with the alabaster jar teach us?

    What does the woman with the alabaster jar teach us?

    There's a famous woman in the Bible, albeit having her name kept unknown from readers. This woman, found in Luke 7:36-50, is the woman who brought an alabaster jar of fragrant oil to the Lord Jesus. Her story is one of the most powerful stories of repentance and forgiveness, one that shows the kind heart of God.

  • The one time a Christian might have to sacrifice being friendly

    The one time a Christian might have to sacrifice being friendly

    Friendliness is a great asset, a character trait that should be seen in a Christian. But it doesn't go before being wise and prudent, and it certainly must not overtake the preaching of the Gospel. Our goal is to be like Christ, not to be everyone's pal.

  • 3 common misconceptions about the Holy Spirit

    3 common misconceptions about the Holy Spirit

    Many Christians have wrong ideas about who the Holy Spirit is. In this article, we will talk about some common misconceptions about Him, so that the believer can develop a growing relationship with Him.

  • 3 pieces of advice for young men looking for a wife

    3 pieces of advice for young men looking for a wife

    Guys, marriage is something that will take everything you have, and will reward you with more than what you have ever dreamed of - if you follow hard after God. Your future marriages, if done according to His plans, will be the most beautiful relationships you'll ever have.

  • 3 reasons why money won't solve all problems

    3 reasons why money won't solve all problems

    While money does pay the bills, buy food and supplies, and purchase clothes and a home, it can never heal wounds, mend broken hearts, and fix broken lives. If any, it can even worsen the problems we have.

  • Were poor people part of the early church?

    Were poor people part of the early church?

    The Bible has several teachings regarding treating the poor, including the poor people in the church. All of them point out one crucial truth: God loves the poor, and we should too. He has His eyes set on them, and we should set our eyes on blessing and loving them, too. He is close to them and stands in their defense, and we should be, too.

  • 3 things to remember in sharing the Gospel

    3 things to remember in sharing the Gospel

    To help you get motivated to preach the Gospel, here are a few things to remember. These truths will excite you, release you from certain fears related to preaching the Gospel to others, and will hopefully motivate you to make it your life's goal.

  • 3 things we can learn from a man named Eutychus

    3 things we can learn from a man named Eutychus

    The Bible presents many figures to us, people from whom we can learn many lessons. One of them, a young man named Eutychus in Acts 20:9, teaches us many things even though he appeared in the Bible for only a short while.

  • 3 things we can learn from the death of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5

    3 things we can learn from the death of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5

    The happenings in the early church teach very important lessons for us today. Whether these events are good and pleasing, or tragic and depressing, all of it brings to us insight and learning that will refine us and make us ready for the return of the Lord Jesus.

  • Who are the Berean Christians and what can we learn from them?

    Who are the Berean Christians and what can we learn from them?

    The Bible tells us of a remarkable group of people famously known today as the Berean Christians. These believers possessed a remarkable character that each and every Christian today must have.