JB Cachila
3 ways married couples shouldn't talk to each other
Communication is a key ingredient to a growing, happy, and healthy marriage. Married couples need to learn how to communicate in ways that foster growth, encourage openness, and cultivate love. When husbands and wives communicate the right way, great things happen.
5 Bible verses for when loneliness creeps in
As God's people, we're always told that God will never leave us nor forsake us. God actually promised that, but the truth is that until we arrive at a level of faith and intimacy with Him, we will experience loneliness.
3 important lessons from the life of Jonah, the prophet who was swallowed by a whale
His life and ministry, recorded in but four chapters, brings so many lessons to Christians old and new.
5 things every Christian family can do to grow in faith together
Family is the smallest, most basic unit of society. It is here that parents are given the opportunity to shower their love on their kids, that children are trained in the ways they will go as they grow, and that all members of the family can grow in the faith.
Who is Nehemiah and what can we learn from him?
The Old Testament gives us many men and women of faith from whom we can learn valuable lessons from. One such man, Nehemiah, was a remarkable man who can teach us very important lessons we need to apply in our own lives.
3 ways to avoid making poor decisions according to the Bible
Every day we are presented with a myriad of choices to make. Knowing that we will make hundreds to thousands of choices with each and every day, wouldn't it be great to have a guide to making the right choices and avoid making poor decisions? Yes, we have that in the Bible.
5 Bible verses for when you feel discouraged after failing so many times
While you're alive, remind yourself that God keeps you alive. He has a purpose for you to fulfill, and that's to glorify Him in all that you do. Because you've got a purpose to live, you can't just be hopeless and quit after failing; you've got to push forward in faith!
Can I be a Christian and yet believe some principles from other faiths?
Many Christians today believe in some principles that aren't actually from the Bible.
What married Christian men want from single women
There's something we seriously want to tell our unmarried sisters, the single women in the church and outside it.
Who was Cornelius and what can we learn from Him?
Cornelius wasn't a Jew, and for sure he wasn't part of any clergy of some kind for he was a Roman centurion. Yet he feared God, and that's what mattered.
Who is Elijah and what can we learn from him?
One of the most famous men of God in the Bible, Elijah, is a man known for his miracles and mighty exploits. While he did have many miracles, there's so much more to learn from his very person, and his character.
How to find hope in the midst of trying times
We all go through trying times, periods when our mettle is tested and our capacities are stretched to the max. We all desire to avoid such periods of stress and possible pain, but it's a fact of life that they do come.