JB Cachila
3 New Year's resolutions every Christian needs to make
Coming from the word "resolve," each resolution we make is birthed from a resolve to make things better.
3 people in the Bible who can teach us a great deal about humility
Humility is one of the most important qualities that we all need to have. It's so important that God Himself would want it from us.
What we can learn from Daniel about delayed answers to prayer
Delays to prayers can leave us feeling frustrated. Here's a better response.
Three times our work does not please God
We have to keep in mind that we can only serve one master, and it's always either God or money
3 Bible verses to comfort those who were repaid evil for good
The Lord Jesus warned all of us that He is sending us as sheep among wolves. As such, it would be naïve of us to expect to be treated perfectly well, knowing that we are in a fallen world.
3 Bible verses to help people who never feel good enough
Many of us feel like we're not good enough. Many of us feel that we'll never be good enough. And no matter what we do, many of those who hate us or at least dislike us will always say we'll never be good enough.
3 things God wants from Christian marriages
God made marriage to be so much more than what many of us know and think about it today. To help us see the beauty of marriage, here are a few things that God has purposed for it.
3 lessons we can learn from the faith of Barnabas
One of the least-known but well-received men in the New Testament, Barnabas is a man from whom we can learn many lessons regarding the faith.
3 things unchurched Christians hope for this Christmas
Here are some things unchurched Christians want from people in the church this Christmas
3 Ways Christians Can Be Un-Christlike At Christmas
Here are some ways Christians show un-Christlike behavior during Christmas.
Christmas gifts: Why did Jesus have to come in the flesh?
Really, why did Jesus come in the flesh?
The one thing ageing parents want from their grown-up children this Christmas, and how the children can give it
Children will always be children no matter how old they are, and their parents will always want their love.