JB Cachila
Why the thrill of dangerous stunts isn't worth it: Are you living and dying for Jesus?
The Bible makes it clear that no matter what we attain in life, no matter what we pursue, if it's not for Christ, it's not worth it.
The righteous shall live by faith: 3 simple truths why the Christian life is lived on faith alone
The life of a Christian can only be lived on faith alone and nothing else.
How you can stop your enemy from intimidating you
We must be willing to face any intimidating attack, knowing that Christ has already overcome, and we are empowered to win it as well.
How to deal with a neighbour who loves to encroach upon your rights and privileges
Living as a Christian doesn't mean being a pushover.
3 reasons why it's good to visit wakes and funerals
"Better to spend your time at funerals than at parties. After all, everyone diesâ so the living should take this to heart."
5 Bible figures aside from Jesus that serve as good role models for us to follow
The Bible presents to us many characters to emulate and learn from. And while the best person to desire to be like is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, there are other Bible figures that we can use as our role models.
Why hardship is an essential element in the Christian life
Hardship is an essential element in the Christian life. It is so important that the Bible describe it as the filter through which Christ-followers will enter the Kingdom of God.
How to respond when a fellow Christian performs better than you do
Do you have a problem accepting the fact that there will be somebody better than you? If you do, then you're in trouble.
How to make decisions when your options are too few
Most of the time we are faced with circumstances that require us to make decisions.
When a videogame sends people to church more than the actual church does
Could it be that we Christians failed to represent Christ, whom we so loudly and proudly declare?
Why an offended person is hard to win
It's very difficult to win the favor and affection of a person who is offended, even if he is a Christian.
What to do when you expected the best but received the worst
There are times when after preparing and doing all that you can do for the best possible outcome of any endeavor, something goes wrong and the worst happens.