JB Cachila
Why discrimination is a sin
While the Bible says that there are certain kinds of people and beliefs that we should steer away from, the Bible also makes it clear that being prejudiced against others is wrong.
What to do when you don't know what to do
When you are in some sort of 'dead-end' or a point in your life when you've become stagnant, do you ask God, "what now, Lord?"
'Count it all joy': 3 steps to being joyful at all times
Do you want to be able to "count it all joy" when trials come your way? Here are some things you can do to be joyful.
5 ways to show faithfulness to the Lord
God is very faithful to all of us, and it is by His faithfulness that we can continue living as His sons and daughters in this world. For our part, we should strive to be as faithful as we can be to Him who loves us.
3 ways to love the 'unlovable'
If you want to be God's hands and feet that will extend His love and mercy to other people, you've got to be willing to do what it takes.
How Christ's pain relieves you of yours
All pain is caused by sin, but you can take heart, because Christ has overcome.
Jesus-centred marriage: 3 things husbands can learn from Adam and Eve's differences
There are some things that husbands can learn from the first couple that God brought together.
How must you deal with a boss who wants you to do something sinful
If the ones leading the company aren't Christ-followers, the Christian worker might be ordered to do something offensive to the Lord.
5 Bible verses declaring our real independence from the slavery of sin
We are free to live for Him who died to set us free.
Why we must obey God rather than men
It's through our obedience of His Word that we ultimately show our love for Him.
Independence Day: 3 reasons why we must fight for our freedom in Christ
Christ has given us so much freedom through His finished work on the cross.
Why worshipping God is a daily thing, not a weekend escapade
God is God every day. He reigns and remains sovereign every second, minute and hour from Monday to Sunday. He deserves our worship every day.