Why the thrill of dangerous stunts isn't worth it: Are you living and dying for Jesus?


Everybody wants to have some fun and excitement. Some, looking for thrills, try out the most daring things ever. Motocross, mountain biking, bungee jumping and wall climbing are just some of the many choices for many people. Others who love taking it to the extreme do even crazier things like bullfighting.

Recently, news broke out about a matador named Victor Barrio, who was gored by a bull during a bullfight last Saturday, July 9. His unfortunate accident happened while many were watching, either live or on TV. Sadly, all the efforts to revive him failed.

While those who want to become bullfighters know that it's a dangerous sport or pursuit, they still consider it worth their time and effort – not to mention their lives. While some sarcastically responded at the news, the sad truth is that one man died and left his family broken and longing for him.

Was it worth it?

Friends, can you simply declare with all your heart before God that what you are pursuing is a pursuit worth dying for? That man, with all his desires and ambitions, died an unnecessary and unwanted death.

The Bible makes it clear that no matter what we attain in life, no matter what we pursue, if it's not for Christ, it's not worth it.

The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 16:25-26, "For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?"

Jesus was very clear on this, saying "whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." The only thing worth living and dying for is Jesus Himself, nothing else.

Open their eyes

Fellow believers, we need to understand that once we were like the people of the world who were living for our desires and thrills. We ourselves, if we are honest, can say that before Christ saved us we used to enjoy the things we now call worthless and sinful. The only difference is that God has saved us through the sacrifice of Christ and has taken us away from the dominion of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of light.

We need to realise that these people who are dying, for what we now consider "worthless pursuits," need the very same Saviour who saved us. It's our responsibility to bring the saving message of the gospel to them, so that God could open their eyes the same way He did ours.

Ask yourself: If others are living and dying for worthless pursuits, are you living and dying for Jesus, the only pursuit worth living and dying for? If you are indeed pursuing Him, have you obeyed His command to preach the gospel and make disciples (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:18-20)?