Azalea Pena
5 prayers to say at night for bedtime
Whether it was a good or bad day for you, you must always to thank God for all the blessings He has given you.
Prayers to protect you from the devil when you feel under attack in your faith
We are always in defense mode every day. If you need help or are struggling, here are great prayers to ask God for protection, especially when the devil is targeting your faith.
Prayers to say at dinner and meal times with family and friends
When we have food on the table to feed our family and friends, that's a big blessing from the Lord.
Does God want me to be a missionary?
For Christians, we also aren't sure which direction we're headed to, and we often rely on prayer and God's guidance to determine our purpose. Are you being called to a life of missions? How will you know? Let's try to answer that here.
How to fight doubt when you question your faith
Christians can also suffer from doubts, but if left unanswered, this may lead a Christian to completely abandon his or her faith. But of course, you can't let yourself or your friend just give up without a fight. Check out these ways on how to fight a faith crisis.
How to know the career God wants you to have?
Did you ever wonder what career God wants you to have? Maybe God has been pointing you in the right direction, but you're just not seeing it? Here are important tips to find the right job for you.
Is it ok for Christians to lead an extravagant lifestyle?
God wants you to be happy and if you're financially successful, He will not hold it against you. However, when is a rich lifestyle bordering on too much?
Falling away from God? How to return and feel Jesus in your life again
God can only do so much for us. The Lord does His part, and we should do ours. But, what happens when we fail to do our part? What if you fall away from God? Can you return to Him? How can you do that?
Why a father is vitally important, according to the Bible
Fathers are God's instruments to practice discipline and instruction in the home, which is why it is imperative that a Christian father knows his role and follows through. Here's why a father is vitally important.
Bible verses to give you encouragement when life is too hard
Some days, staying strong can be so exhausting that giving up seems like the easiest option. If you feel that life is too hard for you right now, write these verses down to encourage you every day.
Bible verses to remind you not to be materialistic
God has warned us several times about being materialistic and finding fulfilment in material possessions. For those who are guilty of materialism, it's time to change your ways. Let these scriptures guide you back to the Lord.
7 Prayers to say in the morning to start your day
What a great way to start your day with these beautiful morning prayers. Another day, another chance to honor God. It's time to thank the Lord for another day of life and show appreciation for everything around you.