Azalea Pena

  • 5 Christian praise & worship songs for Easter

    5 Christian praise & worship songs for Easter

    With more and more artists putting a contemporary twist on classic hymns, it will be good to hear some new Christian tracks to add to your celebration. Here are five songs (a mix of old and new) to add in your Easter playlist.

  • 5 Books Christians must read

    5 Books Christians must read

    It's good to hear God's workings from the perspective of others, and for some, their real life testimonials. Let these books inspire you and give you more wisdom to share the gospel with others.

  • What is the purpose of marriage according to the Bible?

    What is the purpose of marriage according to the Bible?

    As Christians, we must know what the true purpose of marriage is so that when you get married or already married, you can focus on achieving such goals. Here is the purpose of marriage.

  • 5 Daily Devotion Ideas for Easter, Good Friday

    5 Daily Devotion Ideas for Easter, Good Friday

    Holy Week is a splendid time to reflect and dig deep into your faith. Use these questions to reflect on how you've been as a Christian, your understanding of the gospel, and how you can be more worthy of God's love.

  • What is Maundy Thursday? What happened at the Last Supper?

    The Holy Week is composed of a series of events that changed the lives of Christians forever. And today, we will look at what took place on Maundy Thursday and how significant it is for us.

  • 3 bedtime prayers to say with my children at night

    3 bedtime prayers to say with my children at night

    Let nighttime prayer be a habit your child/children develop so they can continue doing so when they grow old. Here are three beautiful bedtime prayers to say with your child.

  • How to teach my children about the cross, crucifixion, resurrection & Easter

    How to teach my children about the cross, crucifixion, resurrection & Easter

    For Christians, the death of Jesus on the cross was a monumental event. From His crucifixion to his resurrection, every detail is important to understand. However, when it comes to teaching children about these events, it cab be nerve-racking.

  • How to invite unbelievers to church? 3 things to consider

    How to invite unbelievers to church? 3 things to consider

    As Christians, we are called to disciple to others. We have the duty to bring people closer to God, which means you also have to do your best in inviting non-believers to church.

  • Do Christians really have to be nice to everyone?

    Do Christians really have to be nice to everyone?

    Being nice to everyone every second of the day sounds impossible. There's that belief that we must always be nice to everyone we see and meet. That's too much pressure, right? Let's discuss this in more detail today.

  • 5 Bible verses to help with temptation

    5 Bible verses to help with temptation

    Temptation is all around us. Every day, we deal with different types of temptation and as Christians, we always try our best to resist it. If you're currently struggling or know someone who is, these Bible verses can help.

  • Where was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?

    Where was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?

    Many Christians are asking where was Jesus between the days of His death and resurrection. Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and then resurrected on Easter Sunday. But in between those days, no one really knew what happened to the body of Jesus.

  • Best Easter gift ideas for your church pastor

    Best Easter gift ideas for your church pastor

    Easter Sunday is nearing, and we are reminded to thank Jesus and our Father for the sacrifice they made for mankind. However, you must not forget to thank the efforts of the people in your church, especially your pastor. This Easter Sunday is the perfect time to show them how thankful you are, and you can do that with these wonderful gift ideas.