Azalea Pena
How is the date for Easter determined each year? Why does date for Easter change every year?
As you may already know, Easter Sunday has no fixed date. There's a reason why Easter Sunday dates keep changing and today, let's talk about how the date is determined.
What does the Bible say about sex before marriage?
In a world where premarital sex and promiscuity is no longer frowned upon, we can't help but wonder what the Bible says about these controversial topics. Cling on to these Bible verses for more clarity.
When is Palm Sunday? Meaning of Palm Sunday for Christians
Before celebrating the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Day, it is important to remember the events that happened before it. While Good Friday marks the day of Jesus' crucifixion, Palm Sunday marks the triumphant arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem. Let's talk more about this event today.
5 Bible verses for devotion before Easter
The Holy Week marks an important event in Biblical history. Take this time to reflect on your actions, your heart, and your faith. To help you dig deeper into your faith, here are five Bible verses you can use for your devotions this coming Holy Week.
Rude and offensive boss? How does the Bible advise me to react?
You're dealing with your rude and offensive boss five days a week, eight hours a day. How do you deal with such a person and what does the Bible tell you to do?
Why do we have Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny at Easter?
Every Easter Sunday, you'll see images of the cute and cotton-tailed Easter Bunny together with his colorful eggs. What do they have to do with Easter?
When is Easter 2018? Good Friday, Easter Monday dates this year and the meaning of Easter for Christians
Easter Sunday is more than the family lunch, the worship service, and the yummy chocolate eggs. If you want to know the significance of this day, read on.
5 Christian billionaires you should know
Being a billionaire is an impressive achievement. But, what's more impressive is being both a billionaire and a Christian at the same time. Learn who these people are, what they own, and how the Christian faith helps them deal with success.
Should Christians boycott companies that support anti-Christian policies?
Christians boycotting companies isn't something new. Was it right for them to do that? Today, let's learn more about our duties as Christians when a company promotes something against our beliefs and how we should act on it.
What is Lent? The meaning and purpose of Lent for Christians
Lent is already nearly at an end and you might know Christians who are already observing it. However, you may be unaware of the real purpose behind the observance. Let's try to answer the commonly asked questions here.
Christian dating's 'Golden Rule'
Here's a new perspective on Christian dating to ponder on.
Do I have to forgive my cheating husband or wife because I'm a Christian?
You put your full trust in someone only to discover one day that your husband/wife has cheated on you. It is extremely painful. It is an inexcusable betrayal. And at some point, it will certainly feel unforgivable.