
We need to learn our history â otherwise our country will make the same mistakes again
'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," George Santayana is supposed to have said. Though it may be a well-worn cliché we'd do well to pay attention to it now more than ever. In the UK and the USA there are countless examples of historical ignorance affecting the national debate.

Four countries where it's dangerous to criticise religion
The US State Department on Wednesday highlighted concerns about anti-blasphemy and apostasy laws, which it says "conflict with and undermine universally recognized human rights".

Intensifying fight for Aleppo chokes civilian population
An upsurge of intense fighting around Aleppo has killed scores of Syrians in the past weeks, displaced thousands and cut water and power to up to two million people on both sides of the front line.

Trump in fresh controversy after calling Obama and Clinton 'co-founders' of ISIS
Donald Trump today called President Barack Obama and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton "co-founders" of Islamic State, igniting fresh criticism of his inflammatory campaign style.

Catholic editor flees Bangladesh for US in fear of her life
The Catholic editor of a Bangladeshi newsletter critical of the government has fled to the US in fear of her life, the Catholic News Service (CNS) reported.

Religious freedom severely restricted for 75 per cent of global population
Three-quarters of the world's population suffer from severe restrictions on religious freedom, the US State Department said on Wednesday.

Pope Francis hosts Syrian refugees for lunch at his private residence
Pope Francis today shared lunch at his residence with the group of 21 Syrian refugees now living in Rome.

Dozens of Chinese Christians apply for 'religious persecution' asylum in Czech Republic
Religious freedom violations in China have once more been thrust into the public eye after 60 Chinese Christians applied for political asylum in the Czech Republic.

The biggest question: Why is there something rather than nothing?
We humans, the land we stand on, the sea we swim in and the air we breathe don't HAVE to exist. The same goes for the billions of stars, planets and other celestial bodies in the universe. They are contingent - in other words, they're are not there because they are 'necesarry'. So we are bound to ask why...

Rio 2016: Yusra Mardini, Syrian refugee who won hearts at the Olympics, vows to keep swimming
Yusra Mardini, the 18-year-old Syrian refugee who won hearts while competing at the 2016 Olympics in Rio, says her team has helped open the world's eyes to the plight of refugees.

Victory for religious freedom campaigners in California Christian colleges struggle
The sponsor of a California Senate bill that would have removed the exemption of religious colleges from anti-discrimination laws is dropping the provision following furious opposition.

India: 15 Christian clerics donate kidneys after priest leads the way
Fifteen Christian clerics in Kerala, India have donated organs since 2009, when a Catholic priest set an example by giving his kidney to a patient in need.

Clinton blasts Trump for 'casual inciting of violence', Republicans in turmoil
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Wednesday accused Republican opponent Donald Trump of inciting violence.

Moroccan Christians face persecution over online testimonies
Moroccan Christians bravely proclaim their faith but they are under threat of government persecution.

Severe restrictions on religious freedom in the Maldives as defamation law passed
Religious freedom is further at risk in the Maldives after the Indian Ocean archipelago legalised criminal defamation on Tuesday.

Catholic charity wants to train 1,000 new priests after Fr Jacques Hamel killing
In honour of Jacques Hamel, the French priest murdered by Islamist sympathisers two weeks ago, a Catholic charity is launching a campaign to support the training of 1,000 new priests around the world.