
Bolivia: Thousands of Catholics smash rocks in hopes of good fortune
Bolivia: Thousands of Catholics smash rocks in hopes of good fortune

An unusual religious celebration took place in Bolvia on Tuesday, as thousands of Catholics gathered to smash rocks in the hopes of winning some luck.

Assyrian Christians plan to revive ancient language of Jesus
Assyrian Christians plan to revive ancient language of Jesus

An ancient dialect of Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus, is to be revived in Syria, where a new education centre has been set up for the first time.

Rio 2016: Christian Abbey D\'Agostino displays \'ultimate Olympic spirit\' by helping competitor who fell
Rio 2016: Christian Abbey D'Agostino displays 'ultimate Olympic spirit' by helping competitor who fell

A pair of athletes have been lauded for embodying the true Olympic spirit after helping one another when they fell during the 5000m qualifier in Rio on Tuesday.

Churches destroyed, Bibles burned: Nigerian church leader on Christians returning home after Boko Haram
Churches destroyed, Bibles burned: Nigerian church leader on Christians returning home after Boko Haram

For years a key state in Islamist terror group Boko Haram's attempt to create a caliphate, parts of Adamawa state in northeastern Nigeria have now been liberated by government forces. However, as civilians begin returning home, they are finding it difficult to adjust to life after the insurgency.

Australian police consider interviewing Cardinal Pell over child sex abuse claims
Australian police consider interviewing Cardinal Pell over child sex abuse claims

Cardinal George Pell could be interviewed in Rome by Australian police over historic child sexual abuse allegations, it emerged today.

UN chief warns of unprecedented \'catastrophe\' in Syria\'s Aleppo
UN chief warns of unprecedented 'catastrophe' in Syria's Aleppo

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has warned of an unprecedented "humanitarian catastrophe" in Syria's Aleppo and urged Russia and the US quickly to reach a deal on a ceasefire in the city and elsewhere in the country.

U.S. county sheriff ordered to pay $41,000 to atheists over religious Facebook post
U.S. county sheriff ordered to pay $41,000 to atheists over religious Facebook post

A Tennessee county and sheriff, and an atheist group have reached a settlement over a lawsuit filed based on a religious post on Facebook.

British chaplain aims to keep Olympic athletes close to God as they compete in respective sports
British chaplain aims to keep Olympic athletes close to God as they compete in respective sports

All of us most certainly think that the Olympics is all about sports, but a chaplain from the United Kingdom has shown that the much-awaited event for athletes every four years can also be about God.

Cuba: Crackdown on Christians sees 1,600 churches targeted
Cuba: Crackdown on Christians sees 1,600 churches targeted

More than 1,600 churches have been targeted by authorities in Cuba this year as a crackdown on religious freedom continues.

Swedish church planning to drop thousands of Bibles into ISIS-controlled Iraq says security threat is price worth paying
Swedish church planning to drop thousands of Bibles into ISIS-controlled Iraq says security threat is price worth paying

The church in Sweden that is preparing to use drones to drop thousands of Bibles into areas of Iraq controlled by Islamic State today acknowledged that there was a security threat to the church involved.

Pastors use social media to inspire faith and action in wake of devastating Louisiana floods
Pastors use social media to inspire faith and action in wake of devastating Louisiana floods

With the catastrophic 48 hour torrential rains resulting in one of the most massive disasters to hit Louisiana, resulting in a historic flood that is being described as an "Act of God," church leaders are tapping the power of social media to spread the message of faith and hope to those affected by sudden onslaught of catastrophe.

Jamaica seeks partnership with church leaders to develop policy on faith-based tourism
Jamaica seeks partnership with church leaders to develop policy on faith-based tourism

The Ministry of Tourism in Jamaica is looking to partner with church groups to boost faith-based tourism.

U.S. missionary out to rescue women trapped in Thailand\'s sex industry by sharing with them God\'s love
U.S. missionary out to rescue women trapped in Thailand's sex industry by sharing with them God's love

An American missionary has discovered the driving force behind the world's sex trafficking industry—the quest for love.

Martin Luther King\'s Bible to be sold after family legal dispute ends
Martin Luther King's Bible to be sold after family legal dispute ends

A long-running family dispute over the ownership of a Bible which Martin Luther King Jr travelled with was ended yesterday when a judge signed an order releasing it to his son.

Nigeria: Mother of kidnapped Chibok schoolgirl pleads for prisoner swap with Boko Haram militants
Nigeria: Mother of kidnapped Chibok schoolgirl pleads for prisoner swap with Boko Haram militants

The mother of one of the kidnapped Chibok schoolgirls being held by the Boko Haram terrorist group yesterday pleaded for Nigeria's president to free militants in exchange for the release of the 218 girls.

France: Charlie Hebdo receives threat of \'imminent\' attack after provocative cover depicting half-naked Muslims
France: Charlie Hebdo receives threat of 'imminent' attack after provocative cover depicting half-naked Muslims

The satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has reportedly received death threats warning of an "imminent" attack after it published a controversial cover depicting a Muslim man and woman running down a beach half naked.