
The Extraordinary Story Of Bible Translation Around The World
The Extraordinary Story Of Bible Translation Around The World

This month Wycliffe Bible Translators released the latest Scripture access statistics which tell a truly amazing story.

Syrians \'Thirsty To Know God\' As Civil War Rages On
Syrians 'Thirsty To Know God' As Civil War Rages On

Almost six years since civil war broke out in Syria, and people are still coming to church for the first time and asking for Bibles of their own, a pastor in the country has said.

Christian Boy From Iraq Replicating Precious Artefacts Destroyed By ISIS
Christian Boy From Iraq Replicating Precious Artefacts Destroyed By ISIS

A Christian teenage boy from Iraq is fighting the terror group Islamic State (ISIS) in a different way: by replicating the ancient artworks destroyed by the militants.

Christian Convert Sentenced To Death In Sudan Secretly Read Bible In Prison
Christian Convert Sentenced To Death In Sudan Secretly Read Bible In Prison

Meriam Ibraheem, a Christian who was sentenced to death for apostasy in Sudan and gave birth to her second child in prison, has described how she secretly read the Bible while she was behind bars.

Up To One Million People Fleeing Boko Haram Have Been Cut Off From Humanitarian Aid
Up To One Million People Fleeing Boko Haram Have Been Cut Off From Humanitarian Aid

Up to a million people around West Africa's Lake Chad are cut off from humanitarian aid by Boko Haram despite a regional military offensive against the Islamist militants, a UN official said on Tuesday.

Iraqi Christian Teen Recreates Ancient Art Bulldozed By ISIS
Iraqi Christian Teen Recreates Ancient Art Bulldozed By ISIS

A 17-year-old Assyrian Christian is painstakingly recreating sculptures destroyed by Islamic State.

Ancient Christian Monastery Recaptured From ISIS
Ancient Christian Monastery Recaptured From ISIS

The fourth century Mar Benham monastery has survived Islamist atrocities before – and the signs are it will survive again. On Sunday, Christian and Muslim fighters liberated the Syriac Orthodox monastery from Islamic State.

Crucifixion, Torture And Sex Slavery: The Cost Of Being A Christian Under Islamic State
Crucifixion, Torture And Sex Slavery: The Cost Of Being A Christian Under Islamic State

Horrific stories have emerged from Iraq of how Christians have been treated under the rule of Islamic State.

\'Prophet Of Doom\' Investigated Over Spraying Churchgoers With Pesticide
'Prophet Of Doom' Investigated Over Spraying Churchgoers With Pesticide

Lethebo Rabalago, a self-proclaimed prophet, shared photos on Facebook that showed him spraying a pesticide called 'Doom' into the faces of his congregation at the Mount Zion General Assembly in the far north of South Africa.

Patriarch Kirill: Multiculturalism Puts Christianity At Risk
Patriarch Kirill: Multiculturalism Puts Christianity At Risk

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has hit out at multiculturalism saying it has "no future".

Christian Church in Australia Agrees to Be Place of Worship for Muslims
Christian Church in Australia Agrees to Be Place of Worship for Muslims

A Christian church in Western Australia has opened its doors to become a place where Muslims can pray once a week.

Hundreds More Myanmar Rohingya Flee To Bangladesh Say Aid Workers
Hundreds More Myanmar Rohingya Flee To Bangladesh Say Aid Workers

Myanmar's military and the government have rejected allegations by residents and rights groups that soldiers have raped Rohingya women, burnt houses and killed civilians during the military operation in Rakhine.

Atheist Group Wants Wisconsin Lawmaker to Stop Offering Weekly Bible Study
Atheist Group Wants Wisconsin Lawmaker to Stop Offering Weekly Bible Study

A Christian lawmaker from Wisconsin is being asked by an atheist group to stop the weekly Bible study he is offering at the state capitol building.

11 Christian Television Stations Shut Down in Pakistan; 6 Operators Arrested
11 Christian Television Stations Shut Down in Pakistan; 6 Operators Arrested

Eleven Christian television stations were recently shut down by authorities in Pakistan, shocking Christians in the Muslim-majority country where they remain religious minorities.

Parents Forgive Terrorist Bomber Who Badly Injured Their 4-Y-O Daughter: \'God Teaches Us to Forgive\'
Parents Forgive Terrorist Bomber Who Badly Injured Their 4-Y-O Daughter: 'God Teaches Us to Forgive'

Their four-year-old daughter was severely wounded when an Islamist extremist hurled a bomb at a church in Indonesia on Nov. 13, killing a toddler and injuring three others.

Iraqi Christians Tell of How They Were Forced to Spit on Crucifix and Convert to Islam Under ISIS Rule

"Do it or die!" That was the command Iraqi Christians said they were constantly subjected to by Islamic State (ISIS) militants during the two years when they were under ISIS rule.