
Vatican Deal With China Would \'Betray Christ\' Says Top Cardinal
Vatican Deal With China Would 'Betray Christ' Says Top Cardinal

A possible landmark deal that would see China and the Vatican come to an agreement on the appointment of bishops would be "betraying Jesus Christ", China's most senior Catholic cleric has said.

Winter Closes In On Refugees Fleeing Iraq\'s Mosul
Winter Closes In On Refugees Fleeing Iraq's Mosul

The United Nations is asking donors to fund winter kits for 1.2 million people – preparing for a worst case scenario that much of the city's population may have to flee.

Trump Will \'Cleanse\' America Of Muslims, Three Mosques Warned In Hateful Letters
Trump Will 'Cleanse' America Of Muslims, Three Mosques Warned In Hateful Letters

Hateful letters sent anonymously to three mosques in California with a warning that President-elect Donald Trump would "cleanse" the United States of Muslims

From Persecution To Praise: The Catholic Church and Cuba
From Persecution To Praise: The Catholic Church and Cuba

Baptised as a Roman Catholic and educated by Jesuits, Fidel Castro became a persecutor of the Church after seizing power in Cuba in 1959.

Christians in Bangladesh Face Human Rights Abuses \'Almost Daily,\' Report Reveals
Christians in Bangladesh Face Human Rights Abuses 'Almost Daily,' Report Reveals

Christians and other religious minority groups in Bangladesh have been experiencing persecution "almost daily" from different fronts—from terrorists to their own Muslim neighbours — for the past three years, a new report revealed.

U.S. Divorce Rates at Their Lowest in Nearly 4 Decades as Fewer Couples Seek to Separate
U.S. Divorce Rates at Their Lowest in Nearly 4 Decades as Fewer Couples Seek to Separate

Fewer and fewer couples in the United States are breaking up the sacred ties of marriage, bringing down the divorce rate among Americans to its lowest for the past 35 years, a study from a university research centre in the state of Ohio revealed.

ISIS Tortures Then Crucifies Christian Man, Tells Him: \'If You Love Jesus, You Will Die Like Jesus\'
ISIS Tortures Then Crucifies Christian Man, Tells Him: 'If You Love Jesus, You Will Die Like Jesus'

A survivor of the Islamic State (ISIS) rampage in Iraq has provided a fresh account of a Christian man's horrific crucifixion by the Islamist extremists.

Bibles for Mideast Housing Facility for Women Firebombed By Suspected Islamist Militants; 2 Seriously Hurt
Bibles for Mideast Housing Facility for Women Firebombed By Suspected Islamist Militants; 2 Seriously Hurt

A housing facility for women working for Bibles for Mideast, an underground Bible-distributing ministry in the region, was attacked on Nov. 18 by suspected bomb-throwing Islamist militants, triggering a massive fire and seriously injuring two women.

Transforming Lives: How Alpha Has Reached 28,000 Young People With The Gospel In Kenya
Transforming Lives: How Alpha Has Reached 28,000 Young People With The Gospel In Kenya

A recent initiative has seen the Alpha course's reach massively increased – in Kenya. It's all down to a partnership with child sponsorship charity Compassion International.

In Northern Iraq, Persecuted Yazidis Risk Everything To Flee ISIS
In Northern Iraq, Persecuted Yazidis Risk Everything To Flee ISIS

ISIS has systematically killed, captured and enslaved thousands of Yazidis, whose beliefs combine elements of several ancient Middle Eastern religions and are regarded by Islamic State as devil-worshippers.

Fidel Castro Dies Aged 90
Fidel Castro Dies Aged 90

Fidel Castro, the Cuban revolutionary leader who built a communist state on the doorstep of the United States and for five decades defied US efforts to topple him, died on Friday.

Turkey\'s Only Christian Mayor Removed From Her Post as Part of Government Crackdown
Turkey's Only Christian Mayor Removed From Her Post as Part of Government Crackdown

The Islamist government of Turkey recently ousted its only Christian female mayor emid the continuing massive purging of politicians and officials in the country on the orders of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan following the failed coup attempt against him earlier this year.

ISIS Encouraged Muslims to Betray Christians, Bishop Says
ISIS Encouraged Muslims to Betray Christians, Bishop Says

The Islamic State (ISIS) jihadist group has not only destroyed buildings and entire cities in the Middle East but also strained relations between Muslims and Christians in the areas it conquered, according to a bishop from the United States.

Christians in Iraq Seeks to Keep Records of ISIS Crimes Before Cleaning Up
Christians in Iraq Seeks to Keep Records of ISIS Crimes Before Cleaning Up

Christians from Iraq are leading efforts to document the atrocities and destruction left by the Islamic State (ISIS) in their homeland to make sure that the Muslim militants will be held accountable for their crimes someday.

Christianity At Risk In Vietnam Amid Restrictions On Religious Freedom
Christianity At Risk In Vietnam Amid Restrictions On Religious Freedom

Religious freedom in Vietnam is at serious risk following the passing of the country's first ever Law on Belief and Religion last week.