
Egyptian Authorities Fail To Protect Egypt\'s Coptic Christians, Says Amnesty
Egyptian Authorities Fail To Protect Egypt's Coptic Christians, Says Amnesty

The Egyptian government has 'consistently failed' to protect Coptic Christians fleeing ISIS in the region, Amnesty International have said.

Martyred Oscar Romero Considered For Canonisation, Church Says
Martyred Oscar Romero Considered For Canonisation, Church Says

Assassinated cleric Oscar Romero is being considered for canonisation with the Vatican looking into a possible miracle.

Christian Mom Tells How ISIS Gunmen Killed Her Husband, Son And Then Ticked Their Names Off Their Hit-List

Showing no emotion, the gunmen killed her husband and son and then calmly checked their names from a hit-list in his pocket: Two more Christians dead, more to go.

U.S. Pastor Pays For Freedom Of Over 200 ISIS Sex Slaves In Partnership With Underground Rescuers In Iraq
U.S. Pastor Pays For Freedom Of Over 200 ISIS Sex Slaves In Partnership With Underground Rescuers In Iraq

This American pastor deals with smugglers—and he has saved hundreds of lives because of that.

\'Save Us, Lord!\': Pastor Recalls How Jesus Protected Him, Other Pastors, And His Family During Massive India Earthquake
'Save Us, Lord!': Pastor Recalls How Jesus Protected Him, Other Pastors, And His Family During Massive India Earthquake

One pastor from India could never forget that day when he felt Jesus' presence after he cried out for help.

Welcome To The Wall: Artist Banksy Opens \'Walled Off\' Bethlehem Hotel
Welcome To The Wall: Artist Banksy Opens 'Walled Off' Bethlehem Hotel

The provocative artist Banksy has opened the 'Walled Off' hotel in Palestinian Bethlehem, opposite the controversial concrete wall built by Israel in the West Bank.

Malaysia Arrests Seven For Suspected Links To Militant Groups Including ISIS
Malaysia Arrests Seven For Suspected Links To Militant Groups Including ISIS

Malaysia has arrested six foreigners and one Malaysian for suspected links to militant groups including Islamic State, the police chief said on Sunday.

Why No Justice Yet For Murdered Pakistani Christian Shahbaz Bhatti?
Why No Justice Yet For Murdered Pakistani Christian Shahbaz Bhatti?

Pakistai is not doing enough to secure justice for murdered Christian cabinet member Shahbaz Bhatti, say Pakistan's Chrstians.

ISIS Militants Drilled Bullet Hole In Bible To \'Desecrate Symbol Of Christianity\'
ISIS Militants Drilled Bullet Hole In Bible To 'Desecrate Symbol Of Christianity'

When the Islamic State (ISIS) invaded the city of Batnaya in Nineveh province, Northern Iraq, in 2014, the militants murdered many of the 6,000 Christians living there, according to The Rebel.

Shocking Rise In Religious Persecution Of Christians Unveiled In China Aid Annual Report
Shocking Rise In Religious Persecution Of Christians Unveiled In China Aid Annual Report

A 'seismic shift' in China's approach to religion has led to a massive rise in persecution of Christians and other faiths, according to one of the main human rights charities.

US Seeks End To UN Rights Council\'s \'Obsession\' With Israel
US Seeks End To UN Rights Council's 'Obsession' With Israel

President Donald Trump's administration is reviewing United States participation in the United Nations Human Rights Council, seeking reform of its agenda and an end to its 'obsession with Israel', sources have revealed.

Jesus Image Miraculously Survives ISIS Destruction Of Orthodox Church In Mosul
Jesus Image Miraculously Survives ISIS Destruction Of Orthodox Church In Mosul

Jesus Christ is in Mosul, and the Islamic State (ISIS) is powerless to stop Him.

ISIS\' Destruction Of Jonah\'s Tomb Leads To Discovery Of Biblical King\'s Ancient Palace
ISIS' Destruction Of Jonah's Tomb Leads To Discovery Of Biblical King's Ancient Palace

In destroying the tomb of an Old Testament prophet, the Islamic State (ISIS) unwittingly unlocked a Biblical treasure: the historical proof of a king mentioned in the Bible.

10 Great Pictures Of The Holy Land
10 Great Pictures Of The Holy Land

If You Can't Get To The Holy Land, Here Is Our Guided Tour

Fears For Abducted Malaysian Pastor After Son Says He May Have Been Murdered
Fears For Abducted Malaysian Pastor After Son Says He May Have Been Murdered

Fears are growing for a Malaysian pastor who has been missing for almost three weeks. 62-year-old Raymond Koh Keng Joo was abducted by masked men on 13 February.

Top UK Major General Who Is A Christian Praises Donald Trump\'s Defence Team
Top UK Major General Who Is A Christian Praises Donald Trump's Defence Team

Major General Tim Cross, the most senior British officer behind the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, believes the security, defence and foreign policy team around President Donald Trump is 'potentially more competent' than under past two presidents.