
Many Asian Christian women working as maids in Mideast suffer abuse, treated like slaves by their Arab 'owners'
Many Asian Christian women are being treated as slaves as they work as nannies and housemaids in the Middle East, particularly in Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Arabian Peninsula.

Trump envoy to meet Palestinian President as US tries to kickstart peace talks
Donald Trump's Middle East envoy will meet with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas tomorrow, after spending five hours with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday.

The Palestinian ballet star who is fighting ISIS with dance
A Palestinian ballet dancer has won wide acclaim using dance in a defiant stance against ISIS in the Middle East.

'I have their blood with me': new documentary charts plight of Syria's many missing men, women and children
A hard-hitting documentary broadcast next week will lay out the damning case of Syria's missing: tens of thousands of men, women and children who have been disappeared into secret detention centres.

Ex-Radical Islamist turned Christian evangelist warns of educational Jihad that seeks to Islamise West
A former radical Islamist turned Christian evangelist is warning the West of another form of jihad being waged in the education front.

Christian Dad claims falsely that he raped own daughter â in order to protect priest
A Christian dad in India claimed falsely that he had raped his own daughter in order to 'protect the priest and the Church' after she became pregnant and had a baby.

Bulgarian Church 'Should Win' Nobel Peace Prize For Protecting Jews During Holocaust
The Nobel Peace Prize may be awarded to the Bulgarian Independent Orthodox Church for its work in protecting Jews in the Holocaust.

Defiant U.S. Prosecutor Fired By Trump Administration
A prominent U.S. prosecutor said the Trump administration fired him on Saturday after he refused to step down, adding a discordant note to what is normally a routine changing of top attorneys when a new president takes office.

Man Faces 10-year Sentence After Scaling White House Fence
An intruder carrying a backpack was arrested after scaling a fence around the White House and entering the grounds, the U.S. Secret Service said on Saturday, in the latest breach of security at the president's official residence.

Jordan Soldier Who Shot Israeli Schoolchildren Freed After End Of Sentence
A Jordanian soldier who was convicted of killing seven Israeli school girls two decades ago has been released from prison after serving his sentence, family sources said on Sunday.

At Least 40 Killed In Damascus Bombing Targeting Shi'ites
A double bomb attack targeting Shi'ite pilgrims in Damascus killed at least 40 Iraqis and wounded 120 more who were going to pray at a nearby shrine, the Iraqi foreign ministry said.

Going To Church Dangerous In Mexico As Christians Face Persecution From Criminal Drug Cartels
In Mexico, people go to church at their own risk.

Islamic Jihadists Urge Muslim Migrants To Marry Christian Women To Spread Islam As Part of Campaign to Reconquer Spain
An Islamic jihadist group is pushing a campaign to further spread Islam in Spain with the ultimate objective of re-conquering the European country by urging migrant Muslim men to marry local Christian women.

Tomb Of Jonah In Mosul Shows ISIS Preserving Artefacts To Sell For Loot
Extensive excavations by Islamic State militants under Mosul's ancient Mosque of Jonah show they took care to preserve artifacts for loot, a local archaeologist said, in sharp contrast to their public desecration of antiquities.

Pope To Make Four-Day Visit To Colombia in September
Pope Francis will visit Colombia in September, President Juan Manuel Santos said on Friday, stopping in Bogota, Medellin, Villavicencio and Cartagena during a four-day trip.

Pro-Lifers 'Horrified' By 'Sick' Decision Of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau To Donate $650-M To Help Fund Abortions
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was roundly denounced by pro-life advocates after he pledged to donate $650 million to finance projects that will partly fund abortions worldwide.