
Five Things You Can Pray For President Trump Every Day â Regardless Of Your Politics
The Bible is clear. Paul urges that we offer "petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving for all people â for kings and all those in authority".

Violence, John Smyth And The Gospel
When a story as horrifying as John Smyth's begins to be told, it's only natural to ask the question "Why?"

Why We Need To Support Our Queen In Her Meeting With Donald Trump
The Queen does not need protecting in some strange way from Donald Trump. He needs to meet her, and she needs to be supported in this meeting. As this Sapphire Jubilee Year kicks off, so different in every way to the Silver Jubilee of 1977, perhaps it's time to sing the less familar words of the National Anthem, and sing them to a different tune.

When The Palestinian President Met The Pope: A Message Of Hope And Challenge
A few weeks ago President Abbas was received by Pope Francis in the Holy See.

Resources For Finding Hope In Dark Times: A Memoir And Some Music
Most of my social media streams are full of pretty angry people, some defending the emerging new political order with its shift towards populism and nationalism and some lamenting it.

Is Evangelical Theology Really To Blame For Sadistic Abuse?
I have a confession to make. I was not abused. This may come as a shock to those who think that being brought up in a Christian home, attending Sunday school and being sent on Christian summer camps made me a prime target.

Why Donald Trump Is Right â And Brave â To Get Rid Of The Johnson Amendment
It seems incredible that in a country such as the United States, that has made freedom of speech a cornerstone of its constitution, clergy are inhibited in what they can say about politics from the pulpit.

Trump Wants To Let Your Pastor Do Party Politics. Here's Why It's A Bad Idea
Getting rid of the Johnson Amendment is a dangerous move for the Christian gospel.

Fancy Applying To Be The Next Bishop Of London? Here Are 50 Tips To Help You Decide
"If you can't face learning the names of all your clergy, you can simply call them 'Father'. The women too. Go on, we dare you."

Why It's Wrong To Say You Have To Be A Christian To Be An American
A third of Americans say it is very important for a person to be a Christian in order to be considered truly American. Here's why they're wrong...

In A World Of Fake News, Is Fake Theology Next?
Jesus wasn't a refugee â at least not in the minds of the presents of Fox & Friends.

Locked-In Patients Are 'Happy'. What Does This Say About The Right To Life?
All human life is sacred, a wonderful gift of God. So we care for each person as well as we possibly can, doing our very best to make their lives as full of opportunity and as free of pain as we're able.