How we build 'resilient faith' in children - and how we don't
Building resilient faith is much bigger than discipline and learning a bunch of memory verses.
Piers Morgan, when did Jesus say that?
The truth is that Jesus was infinitely more than "tolerant." And so, rather than tolerate sinners, He died on the cross for us.
Theology might disappear, but it cannot die
Considering that the Word of the Lord endures forever, God is not going to stop speaking. Neither do I think that we will stop responding simply because one subject has disappeared from university education.
The next Prime Minister must do these three things to help persecuted Christians
Two hundred and forty five million Christians around the world experience severe levels of persecution. But often it doesn't make the headlines.
Is the Church in the UK a sinking ship?
Is there a reality that we are not facing up to? Do we really face the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
A deeply sad day for Northern Ireland
Unfortunately Westminster MPs have placed personal agendas ahead of the people and the peace process in Northern Ireland.
There's an important difference between being Islamophobic and Islamocritical
The Scottish Parliament has never been slow to signal its own virtue as regards 'progressive' causes, of which Islam is apparently now one
Living in Love and Faith: Church of England General Synod members consider gender and sexuality
Saturday saw members of the General Synod Church of England engage in the latest round of the 'Living in Love and Faith' (LLF) project, exploring issues around identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.
Dear Church, please do some yelling
There is one issue the Church could really do with speaking up on
The problem with relationships education
If we are prevented by law from teaching our children and grandchildren what we genuinely believe to be the correct way to live our lives, then it is not we who are being homophobic, but others who are being theophobic.
The Sacramental and the Sea: Christian monasticism on Europe's Celtic seaboard
The earliest Celtic Christian monks drew their inspiration from Jesus' fasting and temptation in the wilderness - they weren't out to commune with nature.
School protests and parents of faith: can a way forward be found?
Perhaps in the bitter atmosphere of Anderton Park, the school and the parents have moved beyond being able to resolve their conflict.