Thomas Becket and the costly sacrifice of Christian witness
Martyrdom is not something of the past. It remains the price that Christians pay for their witness in the same way Thomas Becket did 850 years ago.
Thomas Becket: holy martyr, or stubborn contrarian with a death-wish?
Becket died for a cause which in large part would not find supporters today. Yet at the time he was a hero of the Church.
2020: the year for good news â if you know where to look
It fast became a journalistic cliché â that 2020 has been the worst time since the Second World War. But has it been that bad? Perhaps we need to dig a bit deeper, because there has been good news as well.
Would the BBC have dared spoof Islam?
I am not calling for comedies poking fun at Christianity to be banned but one has to wonder why it's open season on our faith and not others.
In Jesus, we find an eternal perspective that reaches far beyond the trials of Brexit and a cancelled Christmas
The Christmas story offers us meaning and purpose in our lives, and an eternal perspective that reaches beyond the temporary trials of the Covid pandemic, Brexit and even beyond the lifespan of humanity itself.
'Tis the season for perspective, wonder and an extraordinary vision for mission
If we here in the UK are struggling when we have a national healthcare system and a Government able to pay wages for those on furlough, imagine the overwhelming issues facing poorer nations with no safety net, facing record unemployment, malnutrition, starvation and limited access to healthcare.
Trumpism and nationalism: a response to division and divisiveness in the Church
Whether it's a tweet from Beth Moore denouncing so-called Trumpism and nationalism, or a radical right-leaning group pointing to Trump as the Savior, the divide has left many people confused.
Lessons from a time when Christmas wasn't just cancelled but illegal
For many across the country, Christmas feels cancelled. But this isn't the first time the festive season has failed to deliver after a long and uncomfortable year
What we can learn about Mary from the wedding at Cana
Many aspects of Mary's character stand out in this story.
A Dawkinsian Christmas? No thanks!
Dawkins is wrong again about science and truth, and here's why.
Why puberty blockers should not be given to children
Dr Julie Maxwell, paediatrician and trustee of the Family Education Trust, reflects on the implications of the recent High Court judgment in the Keira Bell case.
Religious LGBT campaigners and their dangerous call for a totalitarian 'conversion therapy' ban
All who care about free speech and belief ought to vigorously oppose the call from religious LGBT campaigners to ban so-called 'conversion therapy'.