Congress has officially gone gender crazy
So, what's the big deal? Isn't this just technical, legal language? Not so. This reflects both a mindset and a legal logic, and these things reflect where a culture is headed.
Evangelical movers and shakers in 2021: who should you watch out for?
As 2021 dawns, Christian Today thought it would be helpful to have a look ahead at some of those who may shape the evangelical world over the next 12 months.
Where might the Church of England's Living in Love and Faith lead?
Anglican theologian the Rev Dr Ian Paul speaks to Christian Today about the Church of England's recently-released resources on sexuality and what might come of the discussions taking place around them throughout 2021.
The challenges of being a student in the middle of a pandemic
There are very few things in the world which have remained unaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic, whether directly or indirectly. Studying is one of them.
Building a peaceful future between Jews and Palestinians in Israel
Rayek Rizek, author of The Anteater and The Jaguar, speaks to Christian Today about what he has learned about the nature of conflicts - and conflict resolution - and what hope there is for peace in the Holy Land.
From Genesis to Exodus: New beginnings at this most unusual of New Years
As the world ushers in 2021 it reflects on a year like no other.
How to ensure 2021 is as good as we're hoping it will be
It's safe to say 2021 isn't going to miraculously get better overnight, so, I wonder, can 2021 be all we're hoping it will be and if it can, how do we ensure that it is?
2020: A crisis of trust and a crisis of truth
If there is any one thing that strikes me looking back at this calamitous and difficult year it is that we are experiencing a deep crisis of trust. Who can we believe? Who is telling the truth? On whom we can rely for accurate information?
From actress to evangelist in the prisons of Brazil
Cally Magalhães never expected to be an evangelist in Brazil. She was a successful theatre actress in England and was also active in her local church, where she was head of evangelism and running a school. When she first went to Brazil in 1998 to work with street children she couldn't even speak Portuguese.
Four powerful ways you can help stop child slavery in 2021
With the UN General Assembly declaring 2021 the Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, this year is a chance for each and every one of us to join together and make freedom possible for all children everywhere.
For pastors too, funerals bring pain - but they are always, always a privilege
No one wants to plan a funeral over the festive season but sometimes that is what pastors must do.
After a year of pandemic, here are five things I'd like to see in 2021
I've been looking ahead to 2021 and thinking about the five top things I'd like to see in the year ahead. What would you put on your list?