Is paedophilia a real danger?
What's next? So many changes have occurred in society that even a few years ago would have been unthinkable, and one issue that is 'unthinkable' today may soon become the mainstream.
Another high profile Christian walks away. What's going on?
When thinking about why a once committed Christian loses the faith, the words of A.W. Tozer.
Prince Philip: a most loyal husband and consort
He exemplified patience, long-suffering, humility and kindness, when the cost of all of these virtues was demandingly high.
Worshipping through the crisis
Whether we can shout, whisper or only mouth along, when we worship, God moves.
There are limits to what atheism can say about our human reality
Exploring faith doesn't require us to leave our brains at the door. In fact, it should take us on a journey to Christianity, not away from it.
Pippa Knight: when is a child's life worth sustaining?
There is no escaping the conclusion that Pippa's life has been treated as one "whose quality seems poor" and so - at least partly for this reason - has not been allowed to continue.
Sir Keir Starmer's apology only reveals the intolerance of our so-called 'diverse' society
Sir Keir Starmer has committed a terrible sin â he has blasphemed by visiting a place where one of the most sacred doctrines of today's secular society is not believed.
Is there more the Church could be doing to help people struggling with porn addiction?
Carl Thomas, the new head of XXXChurch, is frustrated by the lack of support for Christians struggling with porn addiction.
Lessons for today from Aldous Huxley's Brave New World
CS Lewis, Francis Schaeffer and Os Guinness are some of the Christian prophets who saw where we were going and accurately predicted the state we have now found ourselves in. But there is another secular 'prophet' who in my view was astonishingly prescient and that is Aldous Huxley.
Time to re-think Mary Magdalene
It's time that this remarkable woman got the recognition she deserves.
The paradox of Augustus Caesar and the paradox of Jesus Christ
Bede recognised that the fulcrum of time was indeed to be identified with a point in Augustus Caesar's reign - the birth of Jesus, writes Tom Holland.
No, Sophia Bush, kids do not tell their parents who they are
The reality is that the kids do not, in fact, get to tell us who they are so we can support them. If that were the case, they would be the parents and we would be under their supervision.